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Sunday September 23 1860

A sleepless night, yet, I rejoice that I rested better than the night before.  In my record of yesterday I omitted to say that among the ruins of the ducks caused by the ^[[unrelenting tooth]] voraceous stomach of the Esquimaux dog, Me-lak, there was a portion of a duck saved.  A moment more & not a morsel of duck would have been saved.  as it was, the cook was just time time to dispute with Me-lak his right to another mouthful of this fresh fowl.  Cook conquered!  No poor being at the rack ever had limbs so complety torn assunder as this "Mittren's!"
[[strikethrough]] [[but?]] [[/strikethrough]] But there was something fresh in the remains, & after purification in many waters from the goodly land of ^[[steady habits - ]] Connecticut, a broth was made for me.  The condiments were of sage, [[strikethrough]] pepper [[/strikethrough]] & other excellent herbs.  Thanks to the Giver of every good & perfect gift: [[underlined]] I never relished a dish better in my life! [[/underlined]] I felt better - like another man.  I am better now.  An Esquimaux's labor has resulted in giving new life to me.  I shall remember Ku-jes-se for this act of his kindness.

Wanting one day, it is 17 weeks since leaving the States.  I hope the time has not been unprofitably spent.  And still, methinks, I ^[[ought to]] [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] have made greater advance in my studies. [[underlined]] Let the future be well employed. [[/underlined]]

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I am deeply pained in making the record: That I believe the poor Esquimaux was far worse off from their associations with white men than before their being visited by said white men.  I understand that the English whalers who built this portion of the North have measured out their treatment to the Esquimaux people with even a more unprincipled grace than the Americans.  The point is not that the Esquimaux are physically abused - but morally debased.  Instead of men from the Land of Liberty - of Civilization - of Christian Institutions planting seeds of improvement among these Iron Sons & daughters of the North, they actually [[strikethrough]] sew [[/strikethrough]] sow seeds of unrighteousness!
Take for instead "profane swearing".  Would to God the theory & practice of Capt Sidney O Budington was followed by the men of the "George Henry".  Capt. B never swears, but alas the men do!  And O such profanity!  A continued roll of it in the hearing of the Esquimaux!
But this is not all.  The vulgarity, the licentious talk!  Enough to make the heart of very wicked men recoil!

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It is said of John Bunyan that in his early years he was notoriously given to the basest practices, particularly to cursing & swearing, that once contriving how to [[gentrify?]] himself in sin, it pleased God to give him a ^[[severe]] check by means of a woman who though [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] a notorious sinner herself was so shocked at the oaths he uttered that she told him "he was the most ungodly fellow for swearing that she had ever seen 

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