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in her life, & that he was enough to spoil all the youth in the town if they came into his company".  By this reproof from such a person he was entirely confounded; & from that moment he refrained in general from swearing though before he scarcely ever spoke a sentence without an oath. 
Would to God, some of the men of the G.H., whose names I must withhold, could meet with a like, or equally effective check as did John Bunyan!  Instead of scattering ungodliness around their pathway here among the otherwise noble Esquimaux, they would then build up the cause of progress civilization & virtue.
What true Son of America should not blush at the thought of American Institutions rearing up a race to send here North to make Hell of its already desolate lands!  And yet American as well as British Institutions are doing this! [[underlined]] They have already done this damnable deed! [[/underlined]] No man dare deny - no man can truthfully deny but the Esquimaux around Northumberland Inlet, Ponds Bay, New-gum-mi-uke & Oo-kood-lan Bays are far worse off (morally) than before being visited by Whalers!  Relative to this I have asked many experienced commanders of Whaling vessels here, & their opinions coincide with my statement.  What a comment on our Progress in the Civilization & Christianity of the World!  I, for one, weep at the truth of what I write!

Monday Sept. 24. 1860

One whale was seen yesterday by Capt. Tyson from one of the Islands on wh. he landed.  The day was so rough that no cruising was done, all hands staying aboard.  It is found that 27 Whales have been seen in [[insertion]] that [[/insertion]] (Knew-gum-mi-ike Bay) by the crews of the "George Henry" & "Rescue" & of this number only one captured!  I am satisfied that some of these whales might have been captured by other means or appliances than those usually used by American Whalers.  A Whale gun - [[strikethrough]] or rather [[/strikethrough]] & gun-harpoons are instruments that should be in every boat ready for instant use. Men of the best of judgement & of great experience should only be allowed the use of these weapons.

The news this moment (9 1/2 o'clock AM) is that a Whale has been captured!  Whether by the G.H. or Georgiana's crews, not yet determined.  The excitement among the few on board runs high!  "Ships spies" are in great demand. I have been straining my eyes this half hour following the motions of the various Boats.  At 8 o'clock Capt B. & his native Boats' crew went out to "Look-out Island".  At the time indicated he returned reporting as above.  Why it is unknown [[insertion]] here [[/insertion]] to which vessel this whale belongs is the fact that all the Boats were engaged in ^[[its]] [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] final death.  It is a custom among