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Wednesday Sept 26th 1860
Last night I went though all the operation for a S[[?]]t but the trouble was [[underlined]] poorly [[/underlined]] repaid. I think I should take back the word [[underline]] poorly [[/underline]]. Let it be left out for I did get some sleep [[strikethrough]] last night [[/strikethrough]] which is the 1st I have had for many a night. this may be the result of the hot-foot-bath-application of mustard poultices to my foot- drinking hot drink &c.
A peculiar fact presents itself this Morning. The three principal parties of the King William's Land Expedition are now on the sick list! Myself, Sterry & Smith! Stronger constitioned, healthier men than the last two named are not to be found. Smith has been using all his exertions to keep at his ^[[ship's]] duties but the severe cold which he caught on the day of his capturing the Whale has [[underlined]] conquered [[/underlined]] him. The tremendous exertion of Smith, his complete saturation for hours by cold sea-waters -The ^[[sudden]] relaxation of an overheated body after the whale was made fast alongside the G.H. ^[[his continued [[?]]nacity to keep doing till now]] have left him a sick man! Careful nursing will bring him up again.
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"John Bull" & other of his ^[[Esquimaux]] people have just returned from a four weeks deer-hunting. The tucktu are very free this year. Thanks ^[[however]] for the glorious dinner I had to-day off of 1/2 of a deer's tongue! Fresh meat [[underlined]] O how it re-news life! [[/underlined]] Yesterday all hands were eating soused "Black-Skin" (of the Whale) I done my share; but the satisfaction ^[[is not to be compared]] [[strikethrough]] compared [[/strikethrough]] with that of my eating the ^[[Reindeer]] tounge to-day! [[strikethrough]] is not to be compared.[[/strikethrough]] Still I must insist that Black Skin is good either raw or Cooked - [[Preferred?]] [[/red bracket vertical]] 
as pig's feet are in the States Black Skin is luxurious. About 11 o'clock this AM wind from the NE commenced blowing a gale!
The 3 Boats of the G.H. cruising for Whales were obliged to come in soon as they could. No Whales seen to-day. It is said one of Capt T. Boat's saw one. Thermometer stands [[strikethrough]] 33 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[33[[degree symbol]] ]] Bar 29.400. Slight snow accompanies the blow { At one o'clock P.M. snowing quite fast.
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At the present time the "George Henry" feeds 13 Esquimaux ( 2Boats crews & one over.) They get three meals a day here in the cabin. The ration [[strikethrough]] at each [[/strikethrough]] is one sea biscuit a "mug of coffee' (equivalent to 2 good sized cups of coffee) and a slice of "salt-jerkee". Beside this they are furnished with all the pipes, tobacco, clothing guns & ammunition they want. In return for this they generally go out cruising for Whales just when they plan, return when they please & [[underlined]] do as they please [[/underlined]]. If one or several takes it into his head to go off deer hunting or for any other object, [[underlined]] he will go [[/underlined]]! They are a people knowing no restraint. [[underlined]] They will be independent [[/underlined]] in ^[[the]] fullest signification of the word! We, Americans, talk about Freedom & Independence We are far behind these Northerners. While we are pleased with shadows, these ^[[dusky fellows]] enjoy the substance! [[underlined]] Do as they please. [[/underlined]], without any one having the ^[[acknowledged]] right or the power to say why do you so? My opinion is that under these circumstances the natives are not of the benefit to American or English Whalers equivalent to them 
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