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[[boxed]] 1860 Sunday Sept 30 [[/boxed]]

tho I intruded on at Oo-kood-lean, but our leaving ^[[there]] so unexpectedly prevented it.  While aboard the "Georgiana" I introduced the subject of my mission here.  By the consent of Capt. Tyson, I conversed with one of his Boat steerers relative to accompanying me to King William's Land next season.  This party I had learned from various parties aboard the George H. had been on several voyages to these regions -- & that he liked the Natives -- the life, the climate etc.  By my conversation ^[[with him]] found this true.  He is well acquainted with the life, character, habits & language of the Esquimaux -- is an excellent manager of a Boat & Boat's crew -- good Sailor.  The facts incorporated in the last [[strikethrough]] scant [[/strikethrough]] sentence I have from Capt. Tyson & from one of the officers of George H., Mate Gardiner.  He can live off of the resources of the country here.  This is a great -- a fundamental recommendation!  Mr. Roach spoke favorably of his disposition to join my party -- would like it much.  Could arrangements be made so that he could come down from the [[Inlet?]] in season to start with me, he would do so.  Mr. Roach is an important man to Capt. Tyson till he shall complete his voyage home & therefore it is still uncertain [[strikethrough]] wheather [[/strikethrough]] whether Mr. Roach can be spared in time for my use.  I shall use extraordinary exertion to yet secure him. With [[Stevvy?]], Smith, [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] Roach & [[Kujepe?]] & his nuliana I would have great reason to expect success in the great undertaking on my hands.  I would then be prepared for many an emergency.  This has been the coldest day of the season. Cold -- but fair!

Monday Oct 1st 1860

   My health restored!  Thank God!  The cold departed with the storm!  A strange ^[[story]] but a truthful one: my pains in my limbs were almost insufferable, especially so nights, yet during the storm, & since, I & pain ^[[were &]] are strangers!  Can it be the interest -- very great interest I took in that storm made me forget my affliction!  Did the pains become disgusted that I paid no attention to them & leave without so much as: "Good bye"??  Right earnest am I in my thanks for the return of Blessed good health!  Cold, clean morning.  Wind W.S.W. Barometer 28.987 Thm. 22°. 
Capt. Tyson aboard early for his Chronometer.  I gave him [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[my]] letter to Mr [[Grinnell last eve?]].  Several of the ^[[officers &]] men of the G.H. have written letters home & forwarded ^[[them]] on by Capt. T.  I saw Capt. T. safely in his Boat having cheeringly wished him God's blessing -- then followed the 'Good Bye'!
At 7 o'clock Georgiana "Keelying" with most of our men aboard of her assisting.  The following letter I sat down & penned & sent to Capt. Tyson as a parting memorial of the terrible storm that recently passed over us.

"On board [[Barque]] George Henry"

Capt Tyson

    Brig Georgiana.  Dr. Sir -- I take the present opportunity of returning to you & through you to your men, my profound thanks for the extraordinary ^[[personal]] exertion made on the morning of the 27th Inst. to save my King William's Land Expedition Boat from destruction by the prevailing gale then