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      Tuesday Oct 2 1860

A fine commencement of a day - that is a fine Morning.  
[[symbol for moon]] when I arose S.W., [[Venus symbol]] easterly 108[[degree symbol]] from [[symbol for moon]].  Boats all out cruising for Ay-big.  Ther. 22[[degree symbol]] Barometer steadily on the rise since yesterday P.M.  At 9 this Morn 29.325  Wind N.W.  My health good!  Spirits do.[[ditto for "good"]]!  Thank God, from Whom all Blessings flow.

[[red vertical line along right margin for 9 lines]]

   Last Eve wind shifted suddenly from S.S.W. to N.E.  At 11 1/2 o'clk went to Island for taking Meridianal observations.  "Rescue" a little way off just across a  narrow channel ^[[from where I [[strikethrough]] were
[[/strikethrough]] was]].  - Deserted - wrecked, deserted "Rescue" thought I.  Thy name shall be affixed to the Bay, Harbor & Island all within view from thy now desolate decks.  "Rescue Bay!"  "Rescue Harbor"! "Rescue Island!"
I will yet, God willing, survey these chart them & send the same to the States.  At Meridian the Sun was obscured but short time after [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] ^[[made]] 10 observation for Altitude, to wit:

[[/red vertical line in right margin]]

From Noon [[strikethrough]] time of [[/strikethrough]] Apparent or true ^[[Time]]^ [[strikethrough]] Alt [[/strikethrough]]}
Double Alt. 

                            h m  s
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]  0-40-32  = 45[[degree symbol]]-13' = 62[[degree symbol]]-53'-16" N
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]  0-44-02  = 45-10  = 62-49-16  " [[ditto for: N]]
[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]  0-45-32  = 45-00  = 62-52-16  " [[ditto for: N]]
[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]]  0-48-32  = 44-50  = 62-52-16  " [[ditto for: N]]
[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]  0-52-32  = 44-43  = 62-49-16"   " [[ditto for: N]]
[[strikethrough]] 0-56-34  44-30 62-49-16 [[/strikethrough]]
[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]  0-56-34  = 44-30  = 62-49-16"        "
7  1-    00 -52  = 44-15  = 62-        49-16        "
8  1-    02- 48  = 44 00  = 62-        52-16        "
9  1-    05- 43  = 43-50  = 62-        51-16        "
10 1-    33- 33  = 41-37  = 62-        52-26        "
                             628-30-40[[divided by 10]]
{By these 10 observations
Latitude of Rescue Harbor}
                            =62[[degrees]]-51'-04" N
[[enboxed]] Capt. Budington
says Lat. of
"Scurvy Bay" N. 63[[degree symbol]]-16'
E. side of Oo-Kood-lent Bay [[/enboxed]]

[[enboxed]] See Wednesday
Sept. 12/60 [[/enboxed]]

[[enboxed]] See also
Oct. 12th [[/enboxed
(do. [[ditto for "See"]] Oct.  17th)
(do. [[ditto for "See"]] Nov. 3rd. 2nd page

{ Take [[circled 3d]] observation above to show my  working up for result=62[[degrees]]-52'-16" Lat. N
Calling approximate Lat. 62 [[degrees]]-52' N=Cosine 9.65902
Oct 29  Declination S.- 3[[degree symbol]]-50' 44'=Cosine 9.99901
App-Time from Noon r5-32^[[m]]-99 Log Ric
 Natural Num. 895.8 Cog.2.95124

Double Alt.
2) 45[[degrees]]-00"
Add Sum Semi Diam- 16
Sub Refraction
Central [[?]]Alt.
   22-43'-44"[[dotted line leading to:]]

22[[degrees]]-43"= Central Altitude 38646=Nat. Sim.
66[[degrees]]-43= [[Men [[symbol?]] in dist. [[oblique ss]] 39588=Nat. Cosin.
3 [[degrees]]-50'-44"=Declination S.
[[boxed]] 62[[degrees]]-52'-16 [[/boxed]]

The average 62[[degrees]]-51'-0h" Lat N is less than 1/2 nautical mile (or less than 4 English mile) difference from the observation of Wednd Sept 12/60.  I am not yet satisfied