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Friday Oct. 5 1860
   How thankful that my health is again restored!  With renewed vigor must prosecute the [[underlined]] work [[/underlined]] before me - To God I am indebted for ten thousand favors for which I am altogether too unmindful!  Poor, frail creature that I am! Wilt Thou, Friend of Sinners, teach me the way of Godliness & put into my heart such thought & purposes as I should have to meet thy glorious favor.  Teach me how to pray - what to pray for. Thou knowest my need better than the petitioner. 

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All Boats' crews out save ^[[portions of]] 2.  There are several effected by the water which has been used on board the G. H. for the last two days.  Comstock one of the steerage hands is in a bad way but from the caustic coffee he drank by accident yesterday morning.  Last eve he sent down word to Capt B. that he wished to see him as he was sick.  Doctors are always liable to be called at any & all hours.  As Capt B. officiates general physician of his vessel no 2d call can rush him before he answer to the 1st.  Comstock without reservation frankly told Capt. B. that early yesterday morn he went to the Galley poured out a mug (Cups are not known aboard of a Whaler) of Coffee & sweetened it as he supposed with the contents of a jar standing by.  He drank the moderately warm Coffee (tho it afterward proved to be a [[underlined]] hot [[/underlined]] mixture) as one well posted would take Salts by taking it down with one drink!  Of course there was no taste till all was down! [[strikethrough]] But there is this [[?]] the [[?]] down! [[/strikethrough]] Comstock [[strikethrough]] immediately [[/strikethrough]] was ^[[immediately]] notified from below that a general declaration of War had followed his rash act; but still he thought he would grin & bear it although his investigations resulted in the discovery that his "sweetening" consisted of Pot-ash!  At the end of the 2d day he found the fire still burning his innards out & that he could stand it no longer.  His last alternative was a reluctant call on the Medical Services of Capt. B.  Comstock is now so prudent that he even tastes his coffee before sweetening it & the Sugar before dissolving!
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"Smith" was obligated to stay in this P.M. from the effects of the water.  I escaped by a single taste.  Other casks were ordered to be opened. Good water followed. 
Capt B. went out in Smiths place.  Even the Capt.'s Argus eyes saw no whale.  Of course there are no whales ^[[here now]] or am sure they would be discovered when so many 
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interested eyes are on the Look out.  The upper or N W end of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Rescue Bay is frozen over.  Sealing now prosecuted there.  Two (one of the larger kind [[Ok guka?]])
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killed up there yesterday.  The day fine Eve cloudless Moon ^[[rising]] N.N.E.
Mgans nuliana No 2 went out ^[[this P.M.]] as one of his Boat's crew cruising for Whales.  She pulls "an ugly oar" as the Whalers [[strikethrough]] su[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] call it when ^[[an expert]] [[strikethrough]] an [[?]] [[/strikethrough]], strong hand [[strikethrough]] is [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] is of their number in a Whale boat.  No Whales seen to-day tho Mgan reported he saw one which ^[[it is thought is doubtful]]
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    The [[underlined]] family [[/underlined]] nuliana of Mgan tattooed my arm this day.  Am I not getting Esquimaux like?   This eve a bolt of aurora Borealis N N E & E 10[[degree symbol]] wide.  Stars & Moon bright
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in the clear Azure sky.  The scene before me, grand - [[underlined]] superlatively grand, [[/underlined]] for God is the Author & Controller of it all.  Worlds!  Suns!  Systems!  The Universe!