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18th Thursday
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The parting glass--'Come now let us wet the other eye' as Capt. P. ^[[made his]] invitation to 2d glass.  Started at 3 arrived along side G. H. at V ^[[Eve]] having lost full 1/2 hour Sealing.
The Calm - oars in use all the passage across the Bay save a few moments. under sail of a trifling apology for a breeze when near home.  The numerous seals popping up their heads & a goodly part of their bodies to view.  Peaking oars & Sterry firing at 2 - None Secured.  An ook-gutre seen near us, Walrus dv.  Arrived just in time for a capital supper of Fresh seal's liver.  A noble seal graced the decks as we stepped aboard.  Kujise had killed ^[[one]]^ & the native "Charley" another.
The happy re-union with Capt. B.  I have not felt in better health & spirits than to-night for years.  I believe I speak truthfully ^[[at]] [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] least I so intend.  I feel 1st rate.  Exercise-physical work is what I want.  I have pulled hard at one of the oars to-day of course out of choice & the result is a glow all over me within as well as outwardly.  I feel buoyantly!
Capt. Parker ^[[Sr]] thought if he could be supplied with a Steamer as is his Son he should make an early Voyage to [[strikethrough]] Eae [[/strikethrough]] West side Greenland Sending them as early as July [[presently?]] Hudsons Strait to the Bay & [[strikethrough]] theirn [[/strikethrough]] thence go up Fox Channel where he believes their are Whales in abundance!  One of the officers a mate of one of the English vessels called with Boats crew on Capt. B. this P.M.  We me a Eng. Boats returning to their ships on our return this eve.  As we met hailed them asked relation to seeing whales to-day to which they replied had seen none.  No Whales seen by our men today.
Capt. Parker Sr will start for England Monday week unless Whales make their approach here by or before that time.  His son expects to follow one week or ten days after.
A storm or gale coming. At VIII o'clock the Capt. is calling 'All hands on deck' - many have retired.  They are dropping the 2nd anchor. It commenced snowing VI 1/2 o'clock  at VIII a snow storm, blowing fresh N.E. The Barometer this Morn showed 29.412 ^[[boxed]] ther. 34[degree symbol] ]] wind fresh at noon.  B. 29.325 ^[[boxed]] Ther 33 [[/boxed ]] night 29.240 ^[[ [[boxed]] ther 22[degree symbol] [[/boxed]] ]] by 10 1/2 o Clock. 29.000!
    Parker when he was here before the Whales were so numerous that his Boat's Crew were actually frightened - done nothing.  The English [[Everton?]]. relative to burning up their vessels, when wrecked here.  A Steamer was lost - wrecked at Pond's Bay this Season & when abandoned set fire to it.  I asked Capt. P. why was this? His answer  Custom!  Custom!  Always more or less trouble with one's Companies unless this is done! Everything which saved has to be strictly accounted for.  Burn & Save trouble!

           FRIDAY  OCT. 19th  1860

Another gale upon us ^to-day^ though not of the violent kind experienced before (four days ago).
Heavy full of snow - been snowing nearly all day.  Barometer descended to 28.825 last night by 10 1/2 ^[[AM]]. Up to 29.000 blowing a regular gale but by XII M [[midmorning?]] now quiet.  At VIII ^[[this Eve]] a beam ^[[of Aurora]] running high, [[strikethrough]] of Aurora [[/strikethrough]] at the East.  It soon died away.  Not a native about to-day.  Corbet not got here, indeed, on a/c of this gale.  Hands been playing Whist to-day ^[[& eve]] [[strikethrough]] & that [[/strikethrough]] while I [[strikethrough]] having [[/strikethrough]] have been ^[[busy]] reading & writing.
Yesterday while I was gone, Morgan put on my frock coat wh. I had left on deck.  Capt. B informs my that my dog Mr. Laik seemed over joyed, following [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] M. all around deck, same as he does me.  Soon as Coat was thrown off, Could not get Mr. Laik to notice him.  The expectation now is that Capt Budington myself & Sterry, 4 Esquimaux Crews will take 4 Boats about 1st Nov. & proceede to to Oo-Kuod-lan a distance by water about 75 to 100 Miles taking along with us provisions & fuel to last a month for the purpose of spending 4 weeks in Oo-Korerd-lewn bay. Whaling!  A Capital trip for me to get inured to the exploring, & [[underlined]] hard-fare [[/underline]] so called of the Iron [[Cold?]] of the North. [[underline]] Work [[/underline]] is what I now  Court.  X o'clk night star light - Aurora visible East & S.E. in detached beams.