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XI O'Clock. The Auroral Arch is mounting higher and higher.  XI 1/2 O'Clock the whole southern, Eastern, and Western sky is now beaming in light as sketched in this journal under date  Sunday Oct. 14th (1860)
XII The Aurora is now extended in one uniform beam from the East to the West.  The center of said beam 30[[degrees symbol]] high [[strikethrough]] the whole south [[/strikethrough]]

Monday Oct 22 1860.

One O'clock AM. Up! Up! Goes the glorious Arch that now spans the horizon!  It seems to be crossing the ^[[Magnetic]] Meridian, [[strikethrough]] line of [[/strikethrough]] at right angles & rising [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] with the apparent motion of the Stars.
May there not ^[[ [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] ]] be something [[strikethrough]] lost [[/strikethrough]] gained -Some Knowledge acquired by making observations of the commencement of the Aurora, each pleasant evening & watching its progress through the night?  Aurora Borealis!  Aurora Australis!  Aurora Occidentalis!  Aurora [[space]]   What art thou?  What are thy laws!      Little is definitely known of this phenomenon!
         That which we know, is little; [[underline]] that which we Know not, is immense". [[/underline]]
Two O'Clock A.M.- one leg of the Aurora Arch now near, ^[[below the horizon]] N.E. the other [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] S.W. while the centre is at Zenith!  From the N.E. spring[[strikethrough]]s [[/strikethrough]] beams of Aurora extending only to Zenith ^[[then]] making Semi-Arches as sketch here.  marked S.W.-N.E. & Zenth
[[image in center of the page of the land, sea and sky and the Aurora]]

[[start column to left of sketch]]
Three O'Clock AM
There is but one beam now to be seen. It is
the Same as stated from the Southern horizon at XI  The terminations of the base or bases 
[[arrow pointing right to continue into second column]]

[[end column to left of sketch]]
[[start column to right of sketch]]

[[arrow image]]
seems to remain almost at fixed points, while the "bow" portion traverses the heavens slowly.  It has [[strikethrough]] sun [[/strikethrough]] passed the Zenith - now ^[[the center of arch has]] arrived within 35[[degree symbol]] of the N.W. horizon!  3 1/2 O'Clock nearly all Aurora disappeared   I now retire ^[[on]] [[strikethrough]] arder of [[/strikethrough
stating that many falling
[[end column to right of sketch]]

Stars have appeared to night.
VII O'Clock AM I arose at VI 1/2 OClock the wind blowing, as it did all night, almost a gale from the N.W.  The weather cold-Thermometer through [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] the night 17[[degree symbol]] down to 15[[degree symbol].  I was much interested in observing ^[[last eve & this  Morning]] that the Aurora, which [[usually?]] is always in instead & acts [[underline]] with - & reacts against the Wind! [[/underline]]- that is to say-- is uninfluenced by the wind.  I am aware high authority has it that the Aurora is influenc^e^d by wind.  Last eve (& other evenings I have seen the same) One Stratum of Aurora-beams danced Westward while another ^[[moved]] in the opposite direction.  For a few moments the Aurora will move one way- all at once, its course is reversed.
All hands are aboard to day.  Wind So Strong that no boats could endure the continual concussions that would be experienced from the  White-capped-Billows that roll in from the ^[[N.]] West.  Some busily reading- while others are playing Whist.  Smith trading off rifle (Shark's) that cost, some 3 years ago, $45. for ^[[Gardiner's]] red-shirt!  Hands often engage in exchanging wearing apparel &c  by [strikethrough]] oftime [[/strikethrough "Horse jockying"!  After the trade bit-Smith & Gardiner (3d & 2d mates) have been completed a general run ^[[by all was had]] on Smith for his letting the bargain go all on one side.  Exclaimed Smith: " Well now if anybody gets to the windward of me (Smith is the best of Boat Sailors) just let me know it Will you?  Less than 5 minutes Smith challenged [[strikethrough] to [[/strikethrough]] Gardiner to "swap" shirts.  Gardiner said here's your