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[[enboxed]] Monday [[encircled]] 1860 [[/encircled]]Oct. 22d [[/enboxed]]

man- & I'll swap, & [[underline]] do it even [[/underline]]!  Smith, who had the rifle-shirt on as a frock on the outside of everything, not liking the appearance of it as some places upon it had lost is crimson immediately pulled it off laying that same square in the face & eyes of G. as much as to say 'This Shirt is yours Give me mine. Gardiner, sans cerimony dropped his flannel flinging it [[underlined]] imperially [[/underlined]], at Smith's triumphant countenance.  Smith caught it, seated himself on his sea-chest & commenced to see what he had got, positive that the case could'nt be any worse than before!  But alas for Smith!  the shirt he now had needed Washing & mending!  While the one with wh he had just parted was " bran-clean", & whole, tho like cattle    streaked & speckled.  'Smith' had now a shirt which [[strikethrough]] if he d [[/strikethrough]] with one more like it, would make him ^[[or any other man]] decidedly poor!'  He challenged the capt. to trade, but one look ^[[from  the commander's eye]] was enough.  He thought "[[underline]] that rag [[/underline]]" would hang together, if kindly [[strikethrough]] ly are [[/strikethrough]] ^[[cared for &]] [[underline]] kept, [[/underline]] for 24 hours, otherwise it would hang to pieces!  This much for trade.
This night, heavens in thick, dark clouds.  No stars.  No moon. No Aurora tonight! Well, I had  a capital ^[[time]] last night, & this Morning till 3 OClock!  No natives aboard to-day.  I am now enjoying writing letters for the Staten to be sent to Eng. per Capt. P.
men playing Whist.
VIII O'Clock Eve,the wind has [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] died away - now ^[[nearly]] calm, & snowing- Bar. stands 29.362 ther. 18[[degree symbol]] Wind W.

Tuesday Oct. 23rd 1860

Last night 3 inches of snow fell.  The morning comes in cloudy. Wind ^[[moderate]] from the N.E. Bar. 29.050 Ther. 21[[degree symbol]].  As often as a snow-shower ^[[comes & [[guds?]] all hands appear on deck, armed & equipped as the Law (George H's Law) directs, Some with shovel,-some with hoe,- some with Broom,-Some with scrub Brush-& some with nothing- ready to do battle in snow-drifts carting the same into the Sea! I have just returned from one of these engagements.  This Morning washed my face & hands [[underline]] in snow.[[/underline]] & done it scientifically, so there when well wiped I felt fresh & glowing.  The weather not yet suitable for Whaling.  The natives made their appearance this morning.  Several White Whales seen this A.M.  The Boats went out at IX O'Clock & returned at XII (M)- did not go out again on a/c of the increase of Wind.   A sentiment worth recording: Capt. B & myself speaking of Planets & Stars, the remark was made by Capt; In Six days God made the World!  I replied,It might have been done as well in a day- a Moment.  'No' said Capt. B.  'The ^[[Almighty]] Power that created this World saw fit to [[strikethrough]] create [[/strikethrough]] create it [[underline]] in just the time He did,[[/underline & [[underline]] it would not have been as well [[/underlined]] [[double underline]]any other way, on in any other time![[/double underline]]  this is what I consider a pertinent ^[[ [[underlined]] aye [[/underlined ]] an eloquent response to my suggestion.  Indeed I felt and feel that I learnt a lesson by it!  Whatever God does, [[underlined]] He does it in His own proper time & way:  No other time or way would be [[strikethrough]] Right s ^[[/strikethrough]] as Good!
Spent the day mostly in ^[[cheerfully]] assisting others in writing of documents & letters for the States.  I must  hasten on with mine.  The pretty little Cabins where I spend my time go pleasantly, & I hope profitably, in advancing up the hill of Knowledge now looks like a Post office.  Letter after letter comes in to be sent to Parker's ere his departure 

Transcription Notes:
I'm pretty sure Hall meant "ceremony" in the 5 line, but I left it "cerimony" as written.--thomasc