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[[margin]] 1860 Monday 29 Oct [[/margin]]

one end off! Size of bone when found. One more cut! I took hold became a living saw-mill the subject a dead Whale! Quick strokes & strong [[?]] or blows! Water rising rapidly! Nearly every thing submerged! Jaw Bone half off! "Myar lends a hand. A dozen pulls & same number pushes brought [[underlined]] him [[/underlined]] to a stand! "Joe", the Esquimaux, who has seen the Queen, (Victoria), went through the motions but "sawed the air thus" (Vide Shakespear). The case a desperate one - of the whale kind! - I eagerly took the saw went down below - that is under water, that is the saw & my hand did, & I sawed off the Jaw bone of an Astounding big Whale! A [[?]]noose around the bone, which was [[strikethrough]] big [[/strikethrough]] as a log of large size, tantrum team like, we dragged it up high & dry, above high water mark!
The sun having gone down blushing in our behalf, I left the island in the natives' boat which soon placed me within jumping distance of the star-board gang-way of the George Henry.
This eve had a time of high order that is a good time with Capt. B. carousing retrospectively & [[?]]! [[?]] relative to matters relating to my mission. Capt. B. will do all that man can do for me. I am sure, God, [[knowest?]] best how to shape & conclude the sound of life of each of his creatures. May I ever adore Him & call all his dealings with me Blessed! Eve IX o'clock Ther 24° - Bar 29.462 Wind N.W. & moderate. 
O to-day 6[[h]] - 49[[m]].4 Greenwich time. Too cloudy for seeing Aurora. The moon struggling to show its full round face. Its success not good - though quite enough to show [[underlined]] where [[/underlined]] she is! [[underlined]] Ladies [[/underlined]] do not like their faces to be seen at all times - generally not, when [[underlined]] they [[/underlined]] (?) are round. Boats out to day, but no whales seen! Work & Work - [[underlined]] Work [[/underlined]] I must! It is my duty! To bed at a reasonable hour & up early! Read, study, make observations, survey, plot etc. etc. I must be methodical. But above all, I must look to Heaven for my crowning Aid! God, be Merciful to me, a sinner!

Tuesday Oct. 30th 1860

After dinner, finding a boat was about to depart for a cask of fresh water to be obtained toward the head of the Bay, I got myself in readiness for the trip. Smith had charge of the Boat. 1/2 hour found us in a beautiful little harbor 3 1/2 miles distant N.W. from the G.H. some minutes before we arrived at the landing, my sight was greeted with a view of an Esquimaux village, the inhabitants, consisting of Esquimaux men, women & children & dogs, all rushing out to meet us. Our crew consisted of 5 White men. Each one engaged his "Husky" (Esquimaux men are thus [[?]] here) to carry his buckets of water while he could look around &  do some visiting. Smith & I pushed on to the [[lake?]] where we were to obtain the water. We were conducted to it by several Esquimaux, where it seems the natives constantly supply themselves during the winter season. In our way to the fresh water saw a Boy Esquimaux [[tugging?]] away, dragging home a seal which had just been killed, over the snow. The sight cheered me as I felt the fresh meat would soon [[?]] its [[?]] to my salt [[linned?]] stomach! 
The well-pole through the ice was [[save?]] enlarged by Smith so that a Ship's bucket could dip & swing free. I asked Smith the thickness of the ice! A measurement was made