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      Wednesday, Oct. 31st, 1860

A shower of snow last night & this morning, though light.  In fact, as moderately as possible to imagine the same has been continued through the day.  While exercising on deck this morning, a pretty [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] bird flew past me and found a nesting place up in the rigging.  The little fellow at once threw his head under its wing and went to sleep apparently yet shivering as if half dead with cold.  I was carefully climbing up the "rattlings" to secure it as a prize for my "collection" when down it flew on to ^[[the]] now-covered windings.  Down I went, following it [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] cat-like.  The dear creature nestled  itself in the soft downy snow as upon its [strikethrough]] Spring [[/strikethrough]] Summer nest.  I did not like to disturb [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] it but my duty to science Whispered, "Go on!  I followed it here & there but as I  would clap my [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] Cap & covering over it, it was like the Paddy flea [[underline]] not there! [[/underline]] The little French Boy Come along - tried his hand - but I was the final capturer.  I brought it down into the Cabin & then gave it [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] liberty of the place.  In 5 minutes Snow-bunting, [[underline]] Plectrophanes nivalis [[/underline]] or [[underline]] glacialis,[[/underline]] was hopping all all around - now on the table now on this one's shoulder & finally [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] under the transom ^[[lights]].   Far livelier than when 1st it came aboard midst snow & cold.  But alas, in 3 hours my "Snow-drop" was dead.  The warmth of the cabin was too unnatural for the poor thing.   Seeing [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] it languid I carried it immediately up [[strikethrough]] into the in [[/strikethrough]] & placed it in the binnacle that it might have ^[[cool]] [[strikethrough]] cold [[/strikethrough]] air.  In 5 minutes [[strikethrough]] I looked [[/strikethrough]] it was lifeless.  It is now before me a stuffed bird!  I was much interested in [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] the [[underline]] artistical [[/underline]] way [[blank left for a name]] an Esquimaux prepared it!
Natives aboard to-day,some with ducks & some with Seals. [[strikethrough]] Sl [[/strikethrough]] Seal liver for Supper!  Tried ^[[today]] my stomach capacity ^[[to]] in digesting [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] raw [[/underline]]-duck!  So far, "all is well," tho 3 hours have slipped since participating.  The success of my  Mission North [[strikethrough]] depents [[/strikethrough]] depends upon [[underline]] how completely I ^[[learn to]] adapt myself to the living of the Esquimaux![[/underline]] "Snow-bunting," Esquimaux Koud-le-ar.  The anticipation of all hands that there will be great times in the  States next Tuesday, "Presidential Election"!  Some are sure "Lincoln" of Ill. will be the successful man - others willing to bet that if Douglas is one of the Candidates, [[underline]] he [[/underline]] will be!
I omitted the remark I intended to make that the Snow bunting caught to-day has such heavy plumage; Indeed so much so, that it looked like a Ball of feathers when it was nestling [[strikethrough]] half of [[/strikethrough]] so prettily [[strikethrough]] as it did [[/strikethrough]] ^[[itself]] in the new fallen snow!  It is crested with bright red that extends nearly down to the short, conic bill which distinguishes [[strikethrough]] trn [[/strikethrough]] ^[[it]] from other genera of  this family, [[underline]] Fringillidae [[/underline]]. On the whole it [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] attired gaily.      Yesterday the men went ashore & secured the jaw-bones of the 2 Whales for Sled ^[[Shoes]].  I am busily engaged in studying works on Navigation, Astronomy, Surveying  etc. etc.
{Eve [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 
IX ^[[O'Clk]]} Bar. 29.375 Ther 27 1/2[[symbol for degrees]]  Wind W.S.W. Moderate & Cloudy.

My sledge gotten  up from the Hull to-day preparatory to being shoed with ^[[bone]].  

Five months, full out from the States. Yes, now two days over.  Thus Ends another month.  Heaven prepare me to  spend others [[underline]] more & more profitably [[/underline]]!