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Nov 2nd
That with my door open, answers for both cabins.  Standing in the doorway when greeting me, crinolin, heavy flounces, an attenuated toga and an immensely expanded "Kiss-Me-Quick" bonnet.  Considerably (?) darken^[[e]]ned the room. "Coming along wherever their pathway. Thus bespeak ^[[ing]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] glory [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] to be about them constantly. Knowing the philosophy of all this, even before leaving the states, notwithstanding privation of light left me uncertain "who was who". I went in for doing honor to my visitor. On her turning to the ^[[beams of the]] great luminary, Who should it be but a [[underlined]] lady [[/underlined]] Esquimaux? My astonishment was in no wise lessened at this discovery, for where among such a people ^[[thought I]] came this civilization refinement? Capt. Budington seeing the peculiar fix I was in, (I know not but he had a hand in bringing the joke about - he's always in for good ones) opened the way for "converse", by a formal introduction.
Touliton I found to be an accomplished lady, [[underlined]] truly, [[/underlined]] though a full blooded Esquimaux, a capital type of this people. She was quite conversational [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] talking [[strikethrough]] my v [[/strikethrough]] the language of my people quite fluently. Seated at my right, I entered into [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] grand conversation with her. In 1853 she visited England accompanied by her husband E-bour-ping ("Joe") & a young boy (Esquimaux) [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] ^[[They]] were taken there by "Bobby", an Englishman of Fortune, who came to this count^[[r]]y ^[[this year]] with a fleet of 3 schooners [[strikethrough]] that was [[/strikethrough]] "Bee". "Sea Flower" & "Wellington" ^[[the latter was lost.]] These Esquimaux remained in Eng. two ^[[(1 year 8 months H)]] years & while there were admitted into ^[[high]] [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[&]] highest circles of Society ^[[the latter]] [[strikethrough]] wh. [[/strikethrough]] of course means that ^[[of]] Royalty! I asked Tou-li-tou how she would like to live in England? She replied - "I would like very well, I thank you". [[strikethrough]] How [[/strikethrough]] 'Would you like to go to America with me'? Said I, I would indeed, Sir, was the ready reply.! She said she saw the Queen of Eng. when there : "I visited her & liked the appearance of Her Majesty, & every thing about the pallace. Fine place I assure you, Sir". Tou-li-tou was suffering with cold, I noticed whenever she coughed she threw her face one side & held her hand before he lips same as [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[any]] lady of good manners would. She was dressed ^[[in]] Civilization ^[[costume,]] [[strikethrough]] style [[/strikethrough]] - strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] ^[[any expanded]] dress with heavy flowers [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] an elegant Toga made of young ticktu ^[[fur]] [[strikethrough]] fur [[/strikethrough]] ^[[deeply]] fringed - a bonnet of the style ^[[invented]] on the principle 'Cover the head by a rosette on its back!
At VII oclk this morn thickly clouded weather ^[[nearly]] calm wind in N. Clouds near the horizon in E crimson
At XII snowing briskly [[strikethrough]] W [[?]] E [[/strikethrough]] wind S.E. snow commanded IX AM A large "halo" around the Moon last night 60[[degree symbol]] in diam.
[[strikethrough]] Tuesday at [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The sly-gift! A pretty incident! While the Esquimaux crews were taking their dinners in the Cabin, I noticed Kujesse [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] slip 1/2 of a Sea-biscuit into little Kimmilu's hand. Of course this [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] was from Kujesse's share as the meals [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] ^[[are]] all rationed. It shows this that Kujesse has a noble heart & that he's willing to share whatever he has with his [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] necessities people. Kimmilu is an orphan girl - a pretty Esquimaux - the daughter of the deceased noble Kud-largo properly [[strikethrough]] spelle [[/strikethrough]] spelt Kood-lar-go
1X 1/2 oclk night Ther. 18 1/2[[degree symbol]] Bar 29.800