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Nov. 3rd

5 1/2 o'clk this eve, Aurora from the E. to N.N.W.  Beams perpendicular, the base of them forming the outline of a stupendous Arch from the E to [[strikethrough]] N N [[/strikethrough]] N.N.W.  The E end arising from the horizon the other beginning 10[[degree symbol]] below the extremity of the handle of the dipper.  The crown of the Arch North of G.H.  yet working Southward.

VI o'clk Eve the legs remaining same Arch ^[[running over]] Zenith - a pathway of light across the Heavens.  This belt 3[[degree symbol]] to 5[[degree symbol]] wide.

VI 1/4 The Apex bending more and more southerly. Bases still fixed

VII Faint

X O'Clock Night Ther. 10[[degrees symbol]], Bar 29.962.  Wind N.N.W. fresh, sky clear save 2 narrow long clouds, one extending from [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] W. to S. parallel with the horizon of 3[[degree symbol]] width - this often from N. to E.  These clouds "Sterry" thought to be Aurora and so reported.  I kept upon deck and examined them till perfectly convinced they were clouds of the [[underlined]] Cirrus [[/underlined]] class.  Whoever has made close observations of Aurora can distinguish it tho not always instantly.  This day has been a beautiful one - at least so it stands in our estimation here.  It is an exception nowadays to have a pleasant one.  When we have a passable day, ^[[the change]] seems so delightful that one really is ready to exclaim: "No Country like this for enjoyment - for a happy Home!"  On my tour to the farther end of the island, I thought: How much [[underline]] more [[/underline]]  rapid a ^[[land]] journey ^[[could]] [[strikethrough]] can [[/strikethrough]] be made [[underline]] with [[/underline]] snow upon the ground than without it!  Snow covers up thousands of inequalities that serve to obstruct travelling in the summer - yet travelling can be prosecuted in the Summer.  Never did I enjoy [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Communion with [strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] My Maker better than to-day, when I am out among the snow-clad Mountains.  I dropped upon my Knees &  with upturned face poured out ^[[my]] prayers to Heaven!  It does the soul good to look upward to the ^[[Great]] "I am that I am" [[strikethrough]] seeking in [[/strikethrough]] ^[[petitioning in]] solemn prayer: [[strikethrough]] that He would[[/strikethrough]] --
"Enrich me with the Knowledge of Thy Works!
Snatch me to Heaven; Thy rolling wonders there,
World [[strikethrough] opon [[/strikethrough]] beyond world in infinite extent.
Profusely scattered o'er the blue immenses.
Show me their Motions, Periods [[strikethrough]] and, [[/strikethrough]] their Laws,
Give me to scan.  Through the disclosing deep
Light my blind way."

[[boxed]] The observation ^[[for Latitude]] made at Meridian under the disadvantage of having too small Artifical horizon glass is as follows:
Alt 3)         23[[degrees]]-18'
Semi diam         16-10
Pan.                 09
                11 55-19
                    4 32
Before          --------------
                11-50-47 [[line leading to]]
11-50-47 Brot. up
90 00 00
78-09-13 [[Polun dis?]]
15 17 31 Dec 3d Nov
62-57-42 Lat. N. place of ob.
     -37={5/8 mile George Henry
          {S. of observation
(Vide Oct. 2d) [[/box]]

    Sunday, Nov. 4th 1860
  This day at 4 O'Clk Morning, I was up on deck.   Wind was blowing fresh from N.W.  Aurora in its beauty stretching like a rainbow from the E. to the N.  Wherever the sky was to be seen it was covered over (as with gauze) with Aurora.  The rule may form the present is:  The nearer to the N the higher ^[[its base]] from the horizon.  The clouds this Morn [[underline]] Cumulo-Stratus-the Aurora between me & [[strikethrough]] there therm [[/strikethrough]] them! [[/underline]] [[symbol for Venus]] shone brightly!- [[symbol for Venus]] [[strikethrough H [[/strikethrough [[symbols for Jupiter & Mars?]] now nearly in line - the  former in the advance.  At VI^[[h]]-[[45]]^[[m]] still wind N.E. & appearance of snow.
VII ^[[AM]] O'Clk. Snow-storm upon us! & so continued thru the day.  All hands aboard to-day that is no cruising for Whales.  After dinner ^[[many of]] the steerage hands visited the North Esquimaux Villege & returned at   
I ^[[have]] spent my time reading the Bible & other good books.  Thermometers agreeing side by side; 1 [[degree symbol]], 2 [[degree symbol]] & 3[[degree symbol]] dif. when apart!