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Vol IV


Private Journal by [[underlined]] C. F. Hall [[/underlined]]
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[[underlined]] November 16th [[/underlined]] 1860
All hands up at an early hour in readings for the Whale Chase. Strong efforts until ^[[now]] be made to secure [[?]] majestic visitor of last night. Sherry has gone with a Boat, [[underlined]] [[?]] [[/underlined]] by an Esquimaux Crew, to the upper village for fresh water. The Captain, myself, Cook & steward & a boy - are the only Whites aboard. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Our]] native visitors ^[[ men, women, youths & babies]] are numerous
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Capt. B., relating now & then some of his experiences, told me last eve, that ^[[one time]] when he was Mate of the Whaler, "Frenhelm"[[guess]], & in the China Seas, ^[[1848-9]] they lowered [[strikethrough]] down [[/strikethrough]] a boat & made fast to a Sperm Whale. It seemed to be one of a school for immediately the sea for miles around was alive with them! Said Capt. B. So ^[[numerous]] [[strikethrough]] thick [[/strikethrough]] were they that one might have stepped back-to-back for 10 miles around. Of that school Capt. B landed [[strikethough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] with his own hand [[underlined]] Six [[/underlined]] [[bottom of page torn, illegible]]
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yas. [[?]] McGrary
was employed as a whaler in these regions previous to his becoming an officer of Dr. Kunis[[guess]] McGr[[?]]y stood high as well skilled [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in]] [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] ice pil[[?]ing but actual whaling he was worth best [[?]] for he was ^[[actually]] afraid of Whales - alive afraid of them. This a notorious fa[[?]] among whalers. I asked Capt B. [[?]] a Boat-Sturrn[[?]] act[[?]]t who was afraid of Whales? Give them a wide birth - [[underlined]] dread [[/underlined]] ful careful not to go near them Mc Gr[[?]]y could brace Ice-bergs, Ice all its forms, - had a Lion heart in Storms other perils - could share cheerfully the depre[[?]] & lot of his noble command, Kune[[guess]], but for Whales - he was ^[[always]] a coward [[?]] them - he knew it - he felt it - he [[?]] help it. But nevertheless [[?]] Mc G[[?]] a noble fellow. Peace to his [[?]]
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It is not always an easy matte[[?]]
[[page torn, words missing]] [[?]] an Esquim[[?]]