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1860     }
Nov 17   }
X o'clock night. Thickly clouded except ^[[near]] Zenith where ^[[Queen]] Cassiopeia is dimly to be seen yet the Heavens full of Aurora at play between the Earth & clouds!
Fine misty rain - covering every-thing 
with Hoar-frost.
[[left bracket]] As Kujesse was about starting for Home ^[[this eve]] an Esquimaux fell from the Ship's side into the water & came near being drowned - a cold bath - To go 3 miles to his Igloo - [[/left bracket]]
Barometer 29.600
Thermometer 13[[degree symbol]]
Wind fresh N.W.
[[solid line]]
[[image - cross]] Sunday Nov 1860
Another of the bright spots in the life of them who love Sacred days. As if to emblem the purity of heart with which this day should be Kept, ^[[last night]] the "George Henry" was jeweled all over, from, [[strikethrough]] p[[]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[["track"]] to master's edge, with crystal White. So she has remained & is now. [[strikethrough]] ^[[The exterior]] Beautiful [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] scenes of ^[[extreme beauty]] God paints ^[[here]] with Hoar-frost. I will worship the Great First Cause who along can ^[[thus]] beautify with his works.
Tuk-au-li-too [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] came aboard this morning with her husband, E-birn-bing, bringing with her the primer book from which to learn of me to read & spell. Of course, with the sentiment of doing good, I done all I could to advance Tuk-an-li ^[[-too]]
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[[start page]]
1860    }
Nov 18  }
in what she seems so deeply anxious.
By the by, this fact I have learned: That on the day she was here last & took some lessons [[underlined]] that very [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] day [[/underlined]] she was teaching what she ^[[had]] already acquired, to a company of her people in their tents at the Upper village! This speaks more than can be told. It shows that this noble woman is determined to improve the race that is hers! She says she hopes to see the day when the Innuits (Esquimaux) will be blessed with Schools & Churches. May it be so! I feel to learn her & Ebirnbing all I can this winter. They promise to improve every opportunity. Some of their friends coming aboard after dinner, communicated that ^[[some]] dogs had broken into E-birn-brings tupik & helped themselves to Seal etc. This caused [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] them to hasten [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] home.
This P.M. Ship's hands cruising for Whales - none seen. [[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] Henry pack (ice) was seen ^[[by them]] moving Southward, away to the entrance of Rescue Bay. It is with this that the Whales (4) seen yesterday probably came down from the N.
It is quite likely that many others will [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] visit this Bay this week
George still aboard.
- & - Jennie - !!
in general !!!
(Nov 18th continued over)