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Wednesday Nov 21 1860

of us.  Open water is within 25 Rods.  The men have just dropped the other anchor to ensure our safety in case we are left without the protection of the ice which now encircles us.  The ice "our protection"! Indeed so!  It keeps the Sea down -  It shields us from driving toward the island on which the "Rescue", my Boat "Budington", the brig "Georgiana" & the whale boat stranded on the night 22nd Sept last.

Walking on deck at an hour, before day-light this Morning, I saw a dark image before me seeking here & there for something I knew not what.  Approaching it, I discovered poor blind George without covering to his head his long hair standing on end all pointing where goeth the wind.  I placed my hand on his shoulders gently, & reminded him who I was.  Raising his hand to his head he exclaimed:  Wind  'Kan-teum my Cap on deck'!  Well George, said I, Come, haste below & I will soon find it, if on deck.  Conducting him to the companion way. I remained on deck seeking his cap but  to no purpose.  However it was found during the morning.

Now X O'clock A.M. - The storm unabated.  Ther. 22 1/2 - Bar. 29.075.  Whenever I go on deck (which I do quite often) my clothes are completely filled with the driven snow.  When I go to observe the Thermometer which is on deck, I have to fight my way to it so terrible is the blow.  One time this Morning I approached it three times before I succeeded in making observation.  The hurricane force of the wind suspended the operation of breathing

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Wednesday Nov 21 1960

-"took away my breath" & pelted me with cutting snow making me momentarily feel as if a shower of needles was falling - or rather as if the needles were being driven [[underlined]] into [[/underlined]] my face & eyes. 
Amid the roar of the winds now upon us, is heard the soft, simple music of the Harp which "Sterry" is playing, seated on his sea-chest, just by the door of his birth. 
Who invented the Harp - the [[underlined]] Jew's [[/underlined]] Harp - I mean?  A monument - an iceberg high towering moved amid strand ices - to his memory. 
The storm coming broadside, has careened the "George Henry" so that we have to walk with measured step to retain the position God originally designed the genus [[underlined]] homo. [[/underlined]]

XXII O'Clock (Meridian) - The Gale continues furious;  Bar 29.050;  Ther. 26° 1/4;  still snowing.  Ice impacted firmly around the G.H. 
From the giving a way of ice N.E. of us the same has been driven into the open-water-gap that was fast enlarging toward the vessel this A.M. thus serving to protect us.  God has no end to the means that he can use toward preserving His creatures from [[underlined]] all harms [[/underlined]], if He so disposes.  I have reason to be grateful for continued Life, health & spirits in these Regions of the North.  May I be preserved by the same glorious Being to the end of my mission here - aye, for years, that I may do some good for mankind - some good for the Cause of Truth & Righteousness.

Three O'Clock P.M. Ther 29°
"  "  "  " [[dittos for: Three O'Clock P.M.]] Bar 29.000
Wind abated considerably.
Appearance of snow turning to rain.
At VI O'Clock Eve Bar 28.950
"  "  "  " [[dittos for: VI O'Clock eve]] Ther. 30°

Transcription Notes: