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Nov 23rd 
So far, of course there is an agreement. Now commences method the "Second", bringing over, as I proceede, the figures indicated on the preceeding page by the letters [[Strikethrough]] adjoin [[/Strkethrough]] affixed to them.
[[symbol]] Hon.Pan [[full moon]]                              58'-42'''
[[stars]] alt. [[A in circle]] 68-25-00
app.dist  [[three dots  attached to lines]] 

revl log. '48660---P.log '48660
coset.'03157 [[symbol,darkened crescent moon]] Alt. (45 degree - 35')cos. 14614 [[circled]] B [[/circled]]
Sine 9'9'4097 ------- TANG 25262
1st Con......3-57-32 Table XLVII '45914
2nd Con......5-23-26------Tab XLVII[[underline]]
3 Con........01-11 Table XLVIII
sub 10=      10 00 00 
[[star and crescent moon]],,,60°-09-58= {"true distance deffering from 1st Method 4"
[[line across page]]
Proceeding from him to determine the longitude to wit;

{True distance brot down}
[[star and moon= 60°-09'-58"]]
Dist. N.A. 0h----61-40-13...[[right-pointing arrow]] Prop.log. '2348
 1°- 30' - 15"... [[right-pointing arrow]] Prop.log. '2998
      2h-34m-59s [[left-pointing arrow]] Prop. log dif. '0650
  Add  0-00-00
Mean time Greenwich 2h-34m-59s 
Mean time at place 14h-03m-50s F
Diff.time...11h-28m=51s= 172°-12'-45" E}
from Greenwich}

{result by 1st Method}=11h-28m-44s=172°-11-00" E
difference in Time [[strikethrough]] & dist [[/strikethrough]]= 7s Dif in distance = 01'-45"
In this Lat. however difference would make less than one English mile distance
A fine place at VI o'clock this sun,
Cerulean sky  with patines of gold could be seen. While standing on deck near the bow of the  vessel viewing Mars in the Meridian Papaye at this place, all at one a bright beautiful beam of Aurora  shot mid-way between Mars and the Moon which was south 39 degrees on 40 degrees East. The Moon was shining brightly-but above and below it were clouds. Between it and Mars all was clear.
Friday Nov 23
Aurora beams increased rapidly They were of prismatic colors to night but pea-green predominating. O that I could pen - [[underlined]] or pencil [[/underlined]] - the beauty of this display. The kinds of clouds which I have named are the most of any. The Aurora frequently ascended high above them-that is, passed upward, over the side of the clouds facing [[strikethrough]] toward [[/strikethrough]] the Earth plainly painting its golden rays upon the clouds showing that the Aurora was at play between me and the [[strikethrough]]clouds [[/strikethrough]] them. Blind George the Esquimaux not standing by my side. I told him what was going on in the heavens before - I told him the Moon (Esquimaux Tuk-ing) was [[strikethrough]]about [[/strikethrough]] shining and that the Aurora (Esq  [[space]] ) was showing off firmly at that time. He wished me [[underlined]] to place him in position that his face might be upturned toward what I saw & so admired! [[/underlined]] I joyfully done this! Joyfully did I say? Nay! Nay!!Indeed Nay!!! for as Pan-loo-yen asked me I saw that he was possessed of an incontrollable [[underlined]] incomparable yearning [[/underlined]], seeming to me a like a pinioned Eagle's -- to soar away to the regions of the Stars! Pan-loo-yen this noble Esquimaux brought to tear away the curtains which God, in His own wise dispensation first has seen to place before his eyes-that he might again see the Handiworks of Him who made the stars, the World and [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] all that is therein.
My existing in the beauty of the scene before me was caught up by the spirit of George thus rendering him an object worthy of a poet's pen--worthy of eternal remembrances. 

X O' Clock night         {Cloudy-Moon
  Therm 14 1/4°   {No Stars visible!
   Bar 29.750
   Wind Fresh from W.
The whale Boats dismantled this P.M.
No more whaling til next Spring.