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1860 } Saturday } Nov. 24
Now half past VII, AM. { Ther 10 1/2[[degree symbol]]
                       { Bar. 29.900
                       { Wind West & North
                       { & Cloudy
Several of the Geo. H's men are out on the ice on their way to the N. Star Esquimaux Village. If we were to judge the temperature of the air this Morn by our feeling, there would be a wide difference from the tale of the Thermometer.
Really, I ^[[could]] not believe, if I had been asked what the standing of the Ther. was after [[strikethrough]] being [[/strikethrough]] out, I had been in this air, half an hour or so I should have [[underlined]] guessed [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] zero [[/strikethrough]] lower than 32[[degree symbol]]! The human system is not a good Thermometer!
The Esquimaux, by VIII AM, were [[strikethrough]] flocking [[/strikethrough]] arriving in numerous numbers to the G. H. Esquimaux dogs do, Polar bear tracks seen!
Our Winter position is now fixed! The "George Henry" his headed to the [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] South West ([[?]]).
[[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] If there is one matter (of the Earth) not so well understood ^[[by some men of the G. H.]] as some others, its that of the Annual motion ^[[of the Earth]] around the Sun. They wonder why it is that the days are shorter here than at ho
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
IX o'clk 45 minutes AM}
one hour 3/4 after the above "ho"
I leave the above ^[[ending with a part of home]] as it is 
The Cry: 'White [[underlined]] Bear [[/underlined]] ! A [[double underlined]] Bear! [[/double underlined]]
A [[triple underlined]] bear! [[/triple underlined]] on every hand, caused me to make the instant exchange
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Sat. Nov. 24
of the [[underlined]] pen [[/underlined]] for the [[underlined]] rifle! [[/underlined]] Stenny came running down into the cabin a few minutes after VIII, giving the 1st news, accompanied by seizing his rifle ^[[proceeding to]] load [[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] it. all was excitement - 
[[underlined]] tumultuous excitement [[/underlined]] - on board the "George Henry". I partook my share of it, of course. It was irresistible! The thought that now was the time for the display ^[[of]] [[underlined]] my [[/underlined]] prowess in a Bear fight - in a great Bear Fight! ^[[in]] a ^[[ [[underlined]] Great [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] Polar Bear Fight! [[/underlined]] made me feel & act lion-like! Ere I had [[strikethrough]] yet [[/strikethrough]] my rifle 1/2 loaded, several invitations had been sent me for its loan. But no, I was in for the fray, [[underlined]] personally, [[/underlined]] & with my favorite companion - said Rifle. A few moments only was required for loading ^[[it & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] stowing my pockets with Ball & ammunition.
"Stenny" & Myan had proceeded me, while I followed on with running step accompanied by the Esquimaux Charley ( ) After us came 1/2 the North Star Village inhabitants & many of the men of the G.H. The Island on which my dogs are wintering resounded with howling ^[[(each only as a Bear could excite [[strikethrough]] produce [[/strikethrough]] among dogs)]] & too complicated to describe.
Just as I arrived at one of the outer islands, 1/2 mile from the G.H., "bang"! went the first gun! Ere I had reached the point from where this shot was fired, another shot! A few moments found me among the preceeding party. The Bear I [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[saw (This my first sight here North of a P. Bear)]] retreating across a Channel to another island. He had received some severe wounds, for blood was pouring out on either [[strikethrough]] of his [[/strikethrough]] side of him [[strikethrough]] cri[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] crimsoning his white coat & the ices beneath him. The channel was [[strikethrough]] coa [[/strikethrough]] covered now with ice that appeared to find for us to make passage upon. Down through the ice every now & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]