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1860 Sunday [[symbol: cross]] Nov. 25 

But God spared us from that impending fate.  He may yet, in His Mercy to us poor creatures, spare us for some future usefulness. 

The wind is charged with sleet to-night moderately in quantity but fearfully [[underlined]] cutting [[/underlined]] in power!

Xh-45m Night.  The prospect is any thing but encouraging.  Nearer & nearer comes the fearful crisis.  The waves are fast [[underlined]] tearing [[/underlined]] away the Westward & N. Westward margin of the ice-field of our protection.  How soon this, that [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] is our protection may become our destruction, God only knows.  Although the heavens are thickly clouded, the high yet unseen Moon (wanting but a little over 3 days of being full) is a great Blessing to us to night, giving sufficient light by which [[underlined]] to watch [[/underlined]] the terrific Workings of the Elements around us!

XII Midnight.  The Hurricane has abated to a moderate gale!  Thanks be to God!

This Morning (of 25th) N.W. of us, were 15 miles of ice - Now in same direction but 100 yards & [[underlined]] the distance [[/underlined]] growing less!  The danger to which we are most exposed [[underlined]] now is [[/underlined]] in the whole of the harbor ice taking a start & drifting away with the wind.  Nothing, to all appearance can prevent the "George Henry" being 

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1860 [[symbol: cross]] Sunday Nov 25 [[/margin]]

carried with it if it does start. 

The ice extends across the NW entrance of the harbor running nearly in a straight line N.E. & S.W. -  From us to the extent [[underlined]] only 100 yards! [[/underlined]]  The N.W. [[underlined]] opening [[/underlined]] to the harbor, unfortunately, is as wide, or nearly, so as any part of [[strikethrough]] said harbor [[/strikethrough]] it.  No islands of importance to protect us on that side.

1860 Monday Nov 26th

Thirty minutes of one o'clock A.M. 
Bar 29.250 Thermometer 31 1/2° 
The wind is shorn of its fearfulness!
The Mighty One hath spoken - & now almost a calm prevails.  How wonderful are the Workings of the Almighty!  I will praise His Name Forever & Ever!
I shall seek repose after one more visit on deck. 

One o'clock 15 minutes Ther. 32 1/4 Bar 29.250
The snow on deck fast melting.  The rigging sending down showers from melting ice.  Really an unusual sight for that Lat. & Long at this season of the year!
Now & then a [lull & then a gust - The prospect cheering.

VII o'clock A.M.  In one hour 45 minutes after the preceeding 7 lines were written an ice crack appeared running from the NE nearly parallel to the George Henry's position up to the very stern on the larboard side 

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