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Nov 26
The dogs ^[[not]] been taken aboard they would have been lost! - irretrievably lost! How the poor creatures must have suffered ere their lives had ceased! I am thankful that they are safe- & enjoying the height of dog-comforts! How dusky - fearfully ^[[dark]] were our prospects last night - & yet, [[underlined]] how glorious is God's deliverance! [[/underlined]]
Our dependence now upon Ice-burgs for our fresh water - the sea ice [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] which remained with us contains h[[?]] & them [[strikethrough]] in its [[/strikethrough]] an Ice-berg which proves that the mass which so suddenly came in upon us the other day came down Davis Strait.
Last night when all [[strikethrough]] hands [[/strikethrough]] were up after having done all that human hands could do toward the protection of a noble ship against the impending danger, [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] the steerage hands were invited each to a cup of hot coffee & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] other refreshments. After Capt. B. had drunk his, pushing back his cup he said: Well now what would you say if that was my last cup of Coffee till reaching New London?' - Replied his 3d officer, Gardiner. 'Not so bad as though [[strikethrough]] tom [[/strikethrough]] you never had another! (By Capt. B's question the remarks preceeding it, led us to infer that he thought it quite possible under the circumstances, that we should go adrift ^[[ [[strikethrough]] of the the did [[/strikethrough]] if the ice did,]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] if S[[?]] ]] ^[[& that]] our chance of saving anything would be small, indeed. Our escape in Boats would ^[[even]] be [[strikethrough]] com [[/strikethrough]] a matter of considerable doubt.) The steerage hands 2 days since gave up Card playing by the advice of Capt. B. & took to the study of Navigation - An admirable change indeed for young men who think
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Nov 26
to become good navigators. The bear meat ^[[which]] we have hanging to yard arms looks precisely like beef. The Bear was not fat. Some think the [[strikethrough]] eating of the [[/strikethrough]] meat preferable to that where the Bear is fat. The Natives of North Star Village do no work for three days after ^[[the]] killing this Bear.
This is one of their peculiar customs. The same on killing an Ug-guke [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Ug big on I[[?]]ng (Large Seal, Whale or Walrus)
Yesterday Spikes[[guess]] fell through the ice! Coming on board half frozen in frozen clothes some on asked him where he had been he replied. After fresh water ices & it came near being my last call I'll bet ye". Spikes was returning to the G.H. [[strikethrough]] [[?]]t[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] with a huge piece of ice - brung on his shoulders, when down he & ice-berg went thru Seko [[strikethrough]] sal [[/strikethrough]] (Sea-Ice). By sharp kicking "Spikes" came up again when he was helped out by his compions[[guess]], "Spikes" says he thought of a good many things & one most Ill b[[?]]t Tr[[guess]]!!
A strange record now! At one o'clock this P.M. I was on deck. The harbor clean of ice save that ^[[before referred to as]] Northerly Easterly & Southerly of us ^[[between the vessels & the shores]]. At [[underlined]] half past One [[/underlined]] Lamb, one of the officers of the [[strikethrough]] G.H. [[/strikethrough]] Rescue came down into the cabin saying: 'We were fast in the ice again!' I went [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] up - & indeed it was so! the whole extent Nor' Westerly clean up to the very [[strikethrough]] sides of [[/strikethrough]] side of the G.H. was again solid with ice that had drifted in. What magical scenes! - One moment a sea clear of ice - another filled - [[underlined]] packed [[/underlined]] solid with it!
Capt. B. really thought it the Sabbath to-day! until I convinced him that yesterday ^[[was]] really that Day. I rejoice to learn that the party of - . [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]