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1860 WednesNov 28 

Ugar leaves with me for the vessel.  Short time after our arrival Sharkey came handing me my tape line & Case!  I was taken all aback for I was almost positive the same was still in my pocket.  It seems his nuliana found it just beside a break through the ice where I had been obliged to make a desperate jump
The article is a valuable one to me & for this characteristic honesty I rewarded said nuliana of [[space]] by dealing out liberally of my Su-pun-gers (beads) 
Ebierbing & [[space]] after oil!  The noble heart of Capt. B. prompted him to supply them with what they actually need to keep their Lamps going.  
The moon-light walk of Capt. B. & myself.  Moon & a few stars visible for 1/2 hour from VII to VIII.

The anecdote of Irishman who had heard that there was heat in Snow:  Wanting to know how much of a snowball it would require to make the tea-kettle boil!

IX Night Wind almost a gale from the N.E. - fears that we may yet go adrift as the ice has been driven out of Rescue Bay leaving only our little harbor locked up.  But a short distance N Westward to open water  Ther 20°, Bar 29.950 Cloudy - very cloudy.

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Nov 29 Thursday 1860

The wind has been blowing strong all day - from N.E.  A moderate gale indeed it has been & now is. 

The Season is a bad one for the natives.  They are waiting for ice to make out into the Bay that they may go a-sealing  This is done altogether by spears - that is Winter Sealing - Finding a Seal-hole a native will stand bent over watching the appearance & blow (breathing) of the seal for hours - sometimes for 36 & 48 consecutive hours in the very coldest of weather!

What would White man think if obliged to do this?  "Cudlargo", the noble Esquimaux who was present with Capt. Budington & myself at the Geographical meeting in N.Y. (here date) took his inception cold (which eventually terminated his life on board the G.H. on the day of our sighting Greenland Mountains) by an exposure of 36 hours, in the very worst & coldest weather known here, in capturing a seal!

[[underlined]] His family was starving [[/underlined]] & the nobleness of his Soul made him bid defiance to all obstacles to his obtaining the items of his family's preservation!
This Eve the Esquimaux who has lived near Seko-Selar "King's Cape" (of Fox)

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