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Nov. 29 
was aboard. [[insertion]] While [[/insertion]] Capt. B. [[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] conversing with him about whaling in that direction. I brought out Perry's [[?]] second voyage which has several excellent charts in it. Sid-le-ou-san (that's the name of the Esquimaux) seemed to recognize every place on the North side Hudson's Strait from "Resolution Island" to "King's Cape". [[underlined]] The space [[/underlined]] which Perry left unshaded between Longitudes 72[[degree symbol]] - 50W & 74[[degree symbol]] - 50W (supposed [[insertion]] by Gro[[?]] there in general [[/insertion]] to be the Western outlet of Frobisher Strait) [[underlined]] is a [[strikethrough]] deep [[/strikethrough]] Bay [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] not of extensible depth [[/insertion]] extending North. "Sid-le-ou-san" took my pencil & [[insertion]] at my request [[/insertion]] made the outlines of said. Bay on Perry's chart showing where were various harbours for [[insertion]] safe [[/insertion]] mooring of ships. A fact Ebirbing, had to act as interpreter to what Sid-le-ou-san said so difficult was it to understand this Western Innuit's idiom. Ebirbing & Tuk-oo-li-too will make my capital Interpreters 
[[wavy line across page]]
Friday, Nov. 30th 1860
This Morn, at 6 o'clock, hearing the movement of the anchor chain - on the low "thunderings" of it - I jumped from my Birth, dressed as quick as possible & hastened on deck. The reason of this was that the thought struck me the whole of the harbor-ice had taken a start & was about to [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] drift out. 
Capt. B. whose ear & eye [[insertion]] usually [[/insertion]] catch every thing transpiring about his vessel was fast asleep having been ill though the night. I therefore was cognizant of a fact which escaped him, to wit, the chain's movement. At no other time then when fact in harbor, frozen in,
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Nov 30th 
would this motion or sound to which I refer, excite any suspicion When free of ice the vessel of course, turns [[strikethrough]] wit [[/strikethrough]] with the shifting wind dragging its anchor chains over the rocks below causing sometimes a noise resembling an earth-quake.
As indicated I went upon deck - The [[underlined]] pale [[/underlined]] moon was shining [[insertion]] as she [[/insertion]] looked - [[underlined]] sickly [[/underlined]]. Yet it allowed me to look all around upon the Seko (ice). I went [[strikethrough]] alf[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] aloft. The appearance was a small dark streak [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] along the shores Eastward & Northward. I went below & looked at my pocket compass. This little [[insertion]] companion [[/insertion]] told me that the G.H.[[strikethrough]] 's busa[[guess]] had [[/strikethrough]] had wheeled, as upon a centre, 5 degrees. So it was true that the ice had started. However I saw that the ice was abutted against an island & thinking [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] the [[strikethrough]] same [[/strikethrough]] same [[/insertion]] quite firm from the several days it has been freezing, I did not awake the Capt. Keeping myself the "Watch" for the regular one had turned [[insertion]] no doubt thinking the approaching day would take care of itself [[/insertion]] in. The ice has continued the same through the day tho the N.E. wind continues blowing almost a Modt.[[guess]] Gale. If the ice should [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] start, [[insertion]] go adrift [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] we must go with it unless some extraordinary Power relieves us as the other night.
This the last day of November. Thermometer standing this Morn. at 26[[degree symbol]] Noon 29[[degree symbol]] VI o'clock Eve 29[[degree symbol]]
No day in this Month when the temperature [[strikethrough]] wa [[/strikethrough]] has been [[insertion]] down [[/insertion]] to Zero! [[insertion]] It [[/insertion]] Came in at 22[[degree symbol]] 1/4 Going out at or near 30[[degree symbol]]