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[[image - encircled cross]] Sunday Dec 2d 1860

The "Great Calm" of yesterday still prevails.  Then, this Morn 25[[degree symbol]] Bar 30.200.  The ice of the harbor nearly broken up.  A light Easterly wind would drive it all out. - yes, & a Southernly or Westernly one drive it back again.  After breakfast I made up my mind "to visit the sick" if there was any possibility of getting ashore.  My enquiries of the Esquimaux who come semi-daily to the G. H. relative to the health of Nuk-er-ton, were answered uniformly that she was still very sick - growing worse, indeed.  I therefore thought it my duty to do what I could for the poor, sick & almost [[underlined]] uncared [[/underlined]] for creature.  I say 'uncared for creature', because it is so.  Not only is it so in this case but in cases in general among this people when an Esquimaux becomes helplessly sick.  The fact is a lamentable one - one that tells harder against them than all their other evils combined.

I purposed to start off at once - to-day - but the great questions was:  how to get to 'nuna' (land).  The Esquimaux crews came aboard for their breakfasts.  They came part of the way by boat - thence passed on the ice to the G.H.  This passage was dangerous, as the ice was broken in fragments & was constantly on the move.  After the natives had finished their meals, [[underlined]] some [[/underlined]] of them started at once to go back.  Such succeeded in getting to their boat while those who were backward about starting missed the opportunity, for the ice had left too wide channels to be passed by Esquimaux.  Yet I passed [[strikethrough]] these [[/strikethrough]] them as rapidly as legs & a momentum of about 200 flying pounds would allow me.  I also confess I run great risks - but the cause was a good one. therefore my [[?]] condemned me not.  The portion of the 

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[[image - encircled cross]] Sunday Dec 2d, 1860

native crew which had preceeded me, seeing my approach awaited their casting off the boat.
For 1/2 mile did I venture from one piece of ice to another, leaping & spanning channel & that [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] one would, & [[underlined]] should [[/underlined]] shudder as if doing it for mercernary motives.

Some of the pieces that answered my "stepping stones", from one floe to another, rocked to & fro as if to give me a free duck.  I managed, however, to get softly to the boat that was so kindly kept in reserve for me.  Fifteen minutes rowing carried us to the "North Star Village".  I had with me some medicines for Nukerton.  [[strikethrough]] & others also for her I had [[/strikethrough]]  I took along with me also some "Quince Jelley" (sent me while in N. by [[strikethrough]] proper [[/strikethrough]] completing preparation for this voyage by my dear one in Cincinnati who made it with her own hands.  This was opened on the day supposed to be generally observed in the States as Thanksgiving day, to wit, Last Thursday - Nov. 29th & off of which, Captain Buddington & myself made a feast - such a one as Capt. B. thought beyond his power to describe.  The same day, Tuk-o-li-to, Ebierbing & Ugar were invited to partake of this jelly.  Their excited exclamations following each taste were enough I am sure, to richly repay the fair hands that made it.  It done me good to witness the smack of the lips - the outburst of satisfaction of [[underlined]] delight! [[/underlined]] 

So much relative to this luxury of even civilization, I think [[strikethrough]] thought it due [[/strikethrough]] to be said & simply adding that on entering Ugar's tupik, (his skin tent yet in use) I gave each of his nulianas a taste & also to "Menoun" the infant, & to the interesting child by Blind George & Ugar's family nuliana.  For this, I am placed in the foremost rank as their esteemed friend!

From here, I proceeded to Ebierbing's tupik where I was again kindly received.  I invited Tuk-o-li-too to accompany me to the sick Nuk-er-ton which invitation she accepted by placing on her head a pretty civilization hat (a bonnet) of her own [[strikethrough]] hands [[/strikethrough]] make marching ahead.  While proceeding on the way, Tuk-oo-li-to told me that last evening she had carried over to it Nukerton a piece of young Seal but she was too sick to eat any of it.

We entered by 3 low bows - I would like to see any body taller [[strikethrough]] larger [[/strikethrough]] than Tom Thumb enter a regular Igloo otherwise!  Found Nuk-er-too very glad to see us though weak & suffering much. Ascertaining what she most required

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