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Sunday [[image - cross]]
Dec 1
were varied & interesting. 
Even this call while distant something like a mile from the village was but a continuation
of pretexes to get aboard.
On my returning to the village, met Tuk-
oo-li-to who had come out 1/2 way to meet me
saying my long delay [[stikethrough]] in a [[/strikethrough]] had alarmed the natives (Mgan one) some, ^[[being]] already in tears thinking I may have gone [[strikethrough]] through [[/strikethrough]] through Seko - (ice). Little did I think I had [[strikethrough]] thus [[/strikethrough]] ^[[already]] established myself in the affections of this strange but noble people.
Arriving "in town", no conveyance whatever to G.H. 
All the male Esquimaux aboard for their 2 o'clock meals (Dinner hour). I paced back & forth, visited this & that Igloo to pass away time for the return of a Boat. I called on Nukerton. She received me with joyful looks - She was better. The medicine I gave her in the morning had the desired effect. She felt & looked better. I remained with her for half an hour, little Kimmulu her only attendant present. A scene in my life, them mid - Snow Walls smoothing the tattooded brow & cheeks of a noble Esquimaux woman, tears of gratitude now & then filling her eyes as she felt she had at least one friend to carress & cherish her. The surroundings were all characteristic of a Esquimaux's habitation. She lay on skins of the Rein - deer placed on the snow platform opposite the entrance. Of course, according to Esquimaux custom when in bed, Nukerton was stark - naked! Nevertheless she said she was quite warm [[?]] warm enough.
An hour after Sun - down the men Esquimaux returned from the vessel. They kindly returned with me to the ship turning, twisting, pushing, heaving, towing, rowing [[strikethrough]] for 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] through 1/2 mile of broken ice on the way.
I found a good supper in [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] wait for me! - a [[?]] was already blessing me.
X o'clock Though very cloudy the Aurora again visible S.W. South & S.E. - Bright moon rising N.E. Few stars dimly visible
Ther. 19[[degree symbol]], Bar. 30.000
The [[underlined]] "Great Calm" [[/underlined]] yet prevailing!
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Monday Dec. 3d 1860
The calm weather continues - The Great Calm is yet around us - hardly a stir of air for three days now. How extreme the contrast!
Tuk-oo-li-too came aboard to-day to continue her reading & spellings lessons - Through her I am beginning to learn much of ^[[the]] habits & customs among this peculiar people.
To-day this intelligent woman (intelligent in the language & every thing that pertains to Esquimaux) communicated to me matters pertaining to the [[underlined]] Esquimaux - belief [[/underlined]] as to life after death. With considerable hesitation did Tuk-oo-li-too convey to me this. But know ^[[ing]] I was in earnest - that I respected her people - [[strikethrough]]that[[/strikethrough]] I had no jeers to make upon any ^[[of their]] forms, however strange they might appear to me she told me much. I had been telling her about God - of the Bible - of many things that pertain to this life & what to come, in all of which [[underlined]] she was all absorbed, [[/underlined]] when by properly directed enquiries ^[[to her]] she finally answered them. Desiring to push my enquiries farther at an early day & to complete a connected account of that ^[[to]] which I make reference, [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] I proceed with recording [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] other matters.
This Morn, while [[strikethrough]] sitting [[/strikethrough]] ^[[writing]] at my table in the aft Cabin, I heard Capt B exclaim: 'Three cheers boys - three cheers for the Sun!'Looking instantly up, I saw [[strikethrough]] hi [[/strikethrough]] the loved Commander, his face ^[[covered]] [[strikethrough]] c[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] with the [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] glory of the Sun which was shining [[strikethrough]] freely [[/strikethrough]] unobstructedly through the [[strikethrough]] open [[/strikethrough]] Little round opening of one of the Stern lights ^[[the covering of]] which I had just a few moments before thrown back for ventilation. The sight of ^[[the sun]] so rare here nowadays that when we do get a good look [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] at it, its electrifies yes electrifies the very soul.
Ku-jes-se - [[underlined]] My Ku-je-se, [[/underlined]] & his nuliana Tu-nuk-er-lien ^[[& their friend]] came down to - day. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] They remain here till to - morrow. I have fitted them up [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] capital [[strikethrough]] slee [[/strikethrough]] sleeping quarters in the aft cabin. Kujesse is "bagged" & asleep on the locker which is a seat extruding across the the vessel from the Captain's rooms