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Dec 5th.
From his appearance to night I ^[[think]] they have struck inward. It seems to me he cannot live. His blood in such a state that naught but ^[[a]] [[underlined]] remarkable [[/underlined]] change in it, could ensure ^[[a]] [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] continuance of his life 
As [[?]] as I can, learn this poor Exquimaux's present deplorable condition is to be charged to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] civilization! [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The introduction of evils ^[[among this people]] that should make all else but [[underlined]] hell [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] weep! The weeping family Brothers & Sisters all in deep sorrow! 
From here to Nukerton - this woman on the recovery. The thanks - Gratitude ^[[to me of all the Esquimaux]]. The late hour when through - final call at Ebirnbrings
He kindly prepares his English lantern & natives spear & accompanies me [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] across the broken ice ^[[along the shore]] to fair Walking. Giving me the light & spear 
Good night - Ebirnbing had proposed to accompany me [[?]] home)
The fine display [[?]] [[?]] Aurora extending in a band from N.W. ^[[ to N.[[?]] ]] to S. Est [[?]] 1st commenced 5[[degree symbol]] from horizon - high & higher the whole band is carried till passing Zenith when it died away. A fine scene. ^[[The condition of]] my noble dog Me-lak a subject of great sorrow.
My 2d Cold. Last Sabbath on returning from the village got one of my feet wet - Sat writing for several hours without change - consequences a general overthrow of health & comfort
My nights sleepless - [[?]]less I must visit the poor sick Esquimaux who stand in so much need of a friend & helpers in sickness.
The interview with Sampson
the Esquimaux who formerly lived near King's Cape ("Seko[[?]] [[?]]") Tuk-oo-li-to the excellent interpreter. A fact
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Dec 5th
yes a fact that no one of the Ship's company can ^[[well]] converse with this Esquimaux except through an Esquimaux brought up around Northumberland Inlet
I used Tuk-oo-li-too as interpreter who found no difficulty whatever with [[strikethrough]] C[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] conversing with him. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] one leg
The examination of charts Ku-jes-se & one (by Parry's 
Sampson a large masculine Esquimaux standing same height as Capt B. & weighing (from a lift I [[strikethrough]] had on [[/strikethrough]] gave him) over 200 lbs.
He is a great hunter - has captured even Whales along save the assistance of a small boy! His pretty daughter of 10 years of age
The [[strikethrough]] [[?]]ing [[/strikethrough]] sitting by my side taking down her braided hair - asking me the use of a comb - Her hair of a deep auburn & fine as any I can see in the States - Esquimaux almost without exception jet black & coarse - [[underlined]] Wirry! [[/underlined]]
The nimble fingers of this little dusky but pretty girl - braiding her hair as quickly & [[strikethough]] ti[[?]]y [[/strikethrough]] t[[?]]tily as any girl could. The hair ri[[?]]. My present to ^[[her]] a piece of Buffalo Horn comb & a plug of tobacco! Of course the father grateful for the "plug" & she for the ^[[comb.]] [[strikethrough]] former companion [[/strikethrough]]