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1860 Fri. Dec 7th 

Mgan has been busily engaged in hewing out whale bone slabs for sled-shoes to-day out on the ice on the star-board side of the vessel.  Mgan is an excellent mechanic.  With even the disadvantages hanging over him he shows capital talent in doing many difficult jobs.  This morning as Mgan was about to commence operation on the jaw bone Capt B. suggested to him to "take the frost out of the axe" by taking it down and warming it by the cabin stove.  Said Mgan this will answer every purpose dropping the axe nearly handle deep into the fire hole (a well through the ice kept open continually for use in case of fire).

This was a capital idea - simple but full of philosophy.  While Mgan worked away on the bone, Kunnia his nuliana (No 2) bucket in hand gathered the oily poroux chips of the inside of the bone to make oil for the Esquimaux lamps.  The practice of some of the younger portion of the steerage hands of showing to the natives [[underlined]] "Pictures" [[/underlined]] to the natives both male & female such as - O, let the curtain drop over the outrage upon civilization & to the benighted!

This morn Thur 13°, by X at 4°, at VI PM 1° below Zero.

X oclock Eve thick clouds - wind fresh N.W.  Ther 2 below "0"  Bar. 29.362

I have spent 3 or 4 nights last past nearly wide awake from the cold referred to.  It has settled in my  face - my nasal organ the greatest sufferer,

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1860 Fri. Dec 7th

Compared the notes of the chronometers this eve.  They are getting further and further apart.  No doubt the fault lies in the Rescue's

- | 1860 | Total | m - s
George Henry's Chro | Nov 8th | fast | 1-48
Rescue's " [[ditto for Chro]] | Nov 8th | fast | 7-13

- | h  m  s
Fri. Dec. 7th G. Henry's Chro (A) | X-32-55
"  "   " [[dittos for Fri. Dec. 7th]] Rescue's (B) | X -40-00

               h  m  s
           (A) X -32-55            
1/2 second per d.  2 02.5  Gain *29 Days {Nov 8 = 22 to Dec 7 = 7 * 29

                  h    m   s
              (B) X - 40 - 00
1 3/10 sec. per D.      7 - 51 ={(Fast) Gain 29 Days 
                  X - 32 - 09   Rescue's time {Nov 8 = 22
  [[underline]]   X - 30 - 52.5 G.H. time  {Dec 7 = 7 
                       1 - 16.5 {Difference of the 2 Chro after given rate has been applied

(One minute sixteen seconds & 1/2) on the 8th Nov diff. was but 36 seconds being a diff for 164 days and now in 29 days that diff increased 40.5 seconds more than doubled in nearly 1/6 part of the time of the former [[strikethrough]] rating [[/strikethrough]]comparison.

Another present by Ed. Bailey of a pair of Wollen Mittens (Orkney make) he had just purchased for 4 strings of Sup[[??]] of an Esquimaux woman who had traded for these on Parker's vessel.