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Dec 8
This has been the coldest day of the season. The fresh N.W. wind adds greatly to this cutting affect. The Aurora has been playing finely to-night; ^[[on the]] East around to S. then ^[[reaching]] West.
Ku-jip-se & his In-nuk-de-hen ^[[written there friend Sond-lu-ar-ping]] are aboard the G. H. to-night. They have spent nearly the whole of the long evening with me in the aft Cabin. I have, apparently, interested them in displaying, one after another, of the pictorial newspapers we have aboard brought from the states - I have shown them a variety of things which pleased them much. Treated them to seasonal tastes of the "Quince jelly" which they pronounced to be
One Seal caught to-day by some of the natives of the N. Strn[[guess]] village. Ku-jes-se informs me that the upper villagers captured three yesterday. In the aft cabin, I have again made up a bed for Ku-jes-se, Innukdelien & their lady friend.. The bed (that which perhaps should consist of down") consists of the large sail to my lost "Buddington" which covers the floor several thicknesses. For the Buletin,[[guess]] I have taken my seal skin coat in my Pea jacket, weighing 11 lbs! under shirts, drawers [[?]] For Comfortables & sheets I have used my opera cloak for Tun[[?]], My oil cloth Coat for Sond-he-[[?]] ^[[ping]] & my [[strikethrough]] Sl[[?]] sleeping bags for Ku-jes-se. Ac[[?]] this bed, [[?]] the fat [[?]] all, I have spread a regular Comforter. Thus [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] I have put the three in sleeping trim[[guess]] - In fact put them to-bed - Not in Esquimaux style however for to do this, there must be Tuk-too furs in which they delight to luxuriate through the shur[[?]] of night in Nature nakedness! I wish here to make simply record of the visit of Tuk-oo-li-too & her attendance to the sick Koo-pen-an-chu-His burial [[?]]/ [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] This record will be but itemized I requested Tuk-oo-li too to call & gives them other medicine she & Ebrienbing want from the vessel - while she stopped & done as I requested, Ebirnbing went on Home to his Igloo She remained 1/2 hours attending the sick. He approved the same as when I was there in the morning.
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Dec 7
appearing so comfortable Tuk-oo-li to rest home & retired. I about one hour "yoohi" ^[[a brother of K.]] called [[?]]'oo-li[[?]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] informing him that K. was like to die. She responded at once flying to the Igloo of the dying like an visiting angel. As soon as T. song[[?]] within she felt of the pulse & found it nearly gone at the point [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the pulsation retreating along up the arms for 2 hours. she had been then but a few moments before Koo-pen ar-chu commenced the subject of dying - He said: I going to die - I cannot help it I wish to die. My Mother & father in Kood-le-per-me-yung I go to meet them. I must go - I cannot stop. She asked him, 'Go now?' He replied: Ar[[?]].' This was the last word - Kpp=pen-sen chu spoke - Closed his eyes & died.
Tuk-oo-lish during the conversation with K. told him of Hen[[?]] & God. His burial - Put on his clothes - wrapped him up in 2 tuk-too skins - The Corpse suspended across the shoulders by a stick carried under the arms [[strikethrough]] for [[?]] ^[[across]] [[?]] the breast (something on a gun) of the own brother ^[[(oo{[?]]min ninary]] of this deceased. Tuk-oo-li-too leading the funeral train. [[strikethrough]] oo miny miny [[/strikethrough]] The married sister of deceased oo-kood-liny-un- & Koo-soo0qine-e-nung small brother & 2 dogs of half [[?]] the other ^[[dog]] a large Esquimax.
Nik-oo-li-too wished        }
a good many Innuits         }
to go to the grace, thought }
[[image - cross]]
It would be better show respect for the dead - A grave 1/4 mile off - buried in snow!
Sunday, Dec. 9th 1860
Another Sabbath here. The Morn promises a fine day. Bar. 29.400, Thur. 10 1/a [[degree symbol]] below zero.
A[[?]]X this Morn I started for [[?]] North Star village the naliana ^[[of knjessy[[guess]] ]] [[?]] & [[?]] delien[[guess]] accompanying me. My purpose was to call around & see if any other nation needed assistance. The Thermometer of the time stood 11[[degree symbol]] below Zero & a smart wind from the N.W. ^[[was]] blowing. While I was well bundled up to protect my nose which now suffering from a ripening[[guess]] of one of [[?]]ob's comfortters, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] de[[?]] was full, open faced to the breeze having simply "the baby hood" drawn [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] up over her head. It is the custom of the women to have but one hand mitten'd. I placed one