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Dec 9 
Roses in December flourishing away up here in the open air! [[?]]n-nuk-de-lien's ^[[un tattooed]] cheeks verrified this! Glad as I was for her company home, yet I could not help chiding the fain[[guess]] one for having kept herself out in the cold air [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] till my return. Hand in hand, we run for the ship, arriving amist the welcomings of our friends.
Tuk-oo-li-too took a sweat last night & to-day finds herself well. Last eve finding her complaining of pains & chillings throughout her system, as she & her wonga, Ebrienbing[[guess]], departed. I gave her a modicum of "Perry Davis Pain Killing" directing her on returning to take a teaspoonful diluted in water. I find she done exactly as directed the results being as indicated. Ebirnbing & Tuk-oo-li-too feel grateful for so happy efforts ^[[on the latter]] from [[strikethrough]] what [[/strikethrough]] so simple a medicine.
Ebirnbing & others of his people have been sealing to-day I hope yet to convince E. & others here, that in six days they should do all their [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] work - & on the Seventh rest. 
The 100 Porcupine Caps to Ebiernbing.
Nuk-oo-li-too came aboard this PM & took another lesson in reading & spelling. It does my poor heart good to see what a thirst she has for knowledge. May [[underlined]] I [[/underlined]] take lessons [[striekthrough]] myself [[/strikethrough]] from the noble qualities she exercises!
On the return of Tuk-oo-li-too ^[[to-night]] Capt. B. Kindly, aye, [[underlined]] generously sent ^[[his]] blessings ashore. [[/underlined]] in way of [[underlined]] proper food for ^[[sick]] Nuk-en-too. [[/underlined]] How frequent are the calls for the exercise of Capt S. O. Budington's philanthropic ^[[heart]] (should I not say, [[underlined]] Christian? [[/underlined]] ) among these Arctic people! How true it is that [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] one ^[[seldom]] appreciates the endless endurance of [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] ^[[human [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] acts! How firm would ^[[divine]] [[strikethrough]] observe [[/strikethrough]] the seeds that are now being sown ^[[here]] by the hand & heart of Capt B. [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] will produce [[strikethrough]] Thinking about this [[/strikethrough]] fruits [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] extend ^[[ing]] to eternity! This man's acts, seems to me, to be based upon the ^[[old]] Roman Sentiment: [[strikethrough]] VIRTUS IA[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "Virtus in actione consistit", [[underlined]] ("Virtue consists in acting") [[/underlined]] not resting on cold theory, but on positive exertion. Withal the many baseless deeds of this man to this Northern People, I cannot refrain from giving record to this: From the moment our ship
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Dec 9th
first touched anchor in the north. Capt. B. has offered me every facility of communicating with the Innuits - every facility for ^[[my]] acquiring a knowledge of them - of endeavoring to teach [[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] them in the way that lead to happiness & glory.
On meeting Ebirnbing & Nuk-oo-li-too, Esquimaux who have acquired conversational use of our ^[[vernacular]] [[strikethrough]] tongue, [[/strikethrough]] increased facilities are extended. Here is a case where a woman of this people looms up, as it were, the [[underlined]] promised Delivereness [[/underlined]] of her people from the chains of Ignorance & Vice (the latter attributable largely to their contact with Whites English & American). With a mind fired like the evening skins above her, this noble woman devotes herself to the good of her people. She wills to have all know ^[[the]] [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Right - Virtue - Religion. She feels that she must hasten on in [[strikethrough]] advan [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the]] way to knowledge that she must 1st learn & comprehend [[strikethrough]] & then [[/strikethrough]] & [[underlined]] then teach others. [[/underlined]] God sparing her life & smiling upon her noble purpose, she will yet be worthy to be remembered as the Mother of Many Angels.
Knowing Nuk-oo-li-too's sincere [[?]]ness - her burning thirst after knowledge, I feel to assist her all my poor ability will admit. She comes aboard ^[[daily]]. Capt. B. not only cheerfully orders ^[[ample]] accommodations but provides food, refreshments - for herself & winga, (Ebriebing) to encourage the good work. 
What GOOD has already resulted from this! On the night of the 7th, there stood Nuk-oo-li-to under the pure ash'd snows of heaven by the side of the dying Koo-parr-^[[an-Chu]] [[strikethrough]] teaching [[/strikethrough]] telling him of God - of Heaven of the good that are there - praying that Koo-par-^[[an-Chu's]] spirit may go hence!
Koo-par-[[strikethrough]] ya [[/strikethrough]] ^[[an-Chu]] drinks in New Life - His spirit shirms[[guess]] out. He sees Heavenly images - ^[[the angelic forms of his]] father & Mother who long since preceeded, standing beckoning to him. He joys to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] depart. He