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[[image - cross]]
Dec 9th
now is ready to die. [[underlined]] He dies [[/underlined]] a peaceful death in Nuk-oo-li-too feels that his spirit is now in Heaven, & rejoices in it. [[underlined]] Thus are the fruits of Capt. B. secret enabling deeds in the NORTH! [[/underlined]] I might write a [[underlined]] volume on ^[[his good deeds here that he thinks are unobserved]] & only known to him the recipient & his God. But thinks I [[?]][ some of them & note them down. [[/underlined]] 
Sun went behind the mountains [[strikethrough]] tow [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] bert - Rescue Bay & Frobisher Bay at two o'clock ^ to-day
This has been a fine Day - Morning stars looking out charmingly - The Sun bestowing his glorious rays upon us; the evening glowing in Auroral light. At no time has the beauty of the Aurora - its ^[[rapidity of]] changing [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] rays exceeded that of to-night.
Bar X o'clock Bar 29.450 Then 15[[degree symbol]] below) Zero. The Aurora now like a [[strikethrough]] S[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]]tous Curtain hanging in serpentine patterns extending [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] across the Heavens from East to ^[[S &]] West.
Monday Dec 10th 1860
Morning Bright - Stars ^ Auroral light. My 'brun[[?]]',[[guess]] as the Captain denominates[[guess]]my nasal organ, was opened last night [[strikethrough]] from [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] following which the bile leaped forth, while I leaped up for joy, knowing [[strikethrough]] thy [[/strikethrough]] that now I [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]] I can welcome sleep.
Tuk-oo-li-too ^[[has]] been aboard to-day & continued lessons. Ku-jes-se & Tu-noh-de-lien [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[came]] to day - Will remain to-night.
Tuk-oo-li-too & Tunnkdelion[[guess]] [[?]] dinner at my table in the aft Cabin [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Each having]] huge plates of stewed Beans! Ku-jes-se afflicted.
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Dec 10
with one of Job's comforters on his left leg!
The Aurora has a fine field for display to night, sky cloudy & no Moon to compete with it in giving light  to the Earth.
This field [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] is now being used [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] to excellent advantage. It is now VI (EVE) - For over two hours has it been painting here & there golden streaks [[strikethrough]] as down [[/strikethrough]] ^[[on]] this Celurian Walls. 
I have now company in my affliction - Ku-jes is upon the locker just by me suffering excruciating pains from an approaching bile - His leg & knee are badly swolen. The Capt. has just applied a [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] drawing salve that will serve to bring on a head to this matter at an early day. My nose yet suffers this at a diminished degree.
IX o'clock night Ther. - 15[[degree symbol]]
Bar. 29.500
Wind N.W. [[strikethrough]] Light [[/strikethrough]] Fresh - 
The Aurora ^[[streaming up]] apparently perpendicular in detached piles. Exhibitng from the East to S. thence to S.W. - Many an ex^[[hi]]bition to night of prismatic colors at the [[strikethrough]] base [[/strikethrough]] bases of the Aurora.
Every now & then [[underlined]] Crunch! [[/underlined]] goes something about the George Henry. So it has been since the weather has depressed the Thermometer below Zero. Now it stands 47[[degree symbol]] below freezing point! The Barometer has not varied more than a [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] ^[[trifle]] was one tenth ^[[of an inch]] for 5 days. [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] The weather is decidedly Fair now a - day. I have again put Kujesee & Tunuk [[strikethrough]] deline [[/strikethrough]] "to-bed" in our aft cabin - & have also put little Kimmula who came with them to-day snugly beside them. Of course to get to my Berth - & for this Commander to get to his, we have to step over this precious pile of Esquimaux.