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1860 Dec. Weds 11th

The subject of Nukerton mentioned in my yesterdays record "broached" to Capt. B.  The noble response by [[underlined]] deeds! [[/underlined]]  The skillet of gruel immediately made - Capt. B. skillet in hand, myself accompanying, on the way at X1 1/2 AM to N. Star Village.  The "ice-glare"  The mounting mountains of ice to reach the shore.  The "Kantrum" of Capt B. & the "Kantrum" in part of the little smoking skillet.  "Ill wind &c" - My "Greenlanders" come to the Rescue & [[strikethrough]] but lap [[/strikethrough]] lap up the spilt gruel that had melted itself into an ice dish.  The Capt. with heels up head & skillet down, myself "crowing" that the great hath fallen at last, fine subject for illustration.  Recovering "sticks" we proceede.  Enter Chimerarchu's Igloo, cover of skillet removed - Contents smoking hot & skillet yet full!  The parrallel - The woman's case who find Elijah, saw Kok-er-zhun who was present.  Left skillet & contents.  The glad heart.  A few repetitions of this act will make Nuk-er-ton a well woman.  God bless Capt B.  I pray - & so say the hearts of many others.  Like the [[strikethrough]] such [[/strikethrough]] true precious metal as it comes to the trying fire he's not very good looking nevertheless he is all gold!

From here to an Igloo where the Capt. [[strikethrough]] began [[/strikethrough]] after giving due notice seized his own property - a gun.  - Thence to Sharkey's Igloo - The Mother charged with theft.  Her positive denial yet proof positive controverted the old woman.  She had stolen the "water-proof-over-alls" during the morning, belonging to the suit presented me by Governor Elberg of Holsteinborg Greenland.  Capt. B. the Law of the land orders her to accompany us to the vessel.  Her delay, crying [[strikethrough]] Wih [[/strikethrough]] "Witch-ow (Wait a while)  The peremptory order to be ready at once.  The ood-loo as a napkin to [[underlined]] "wipe" [[/underlined]] her whale blubber dripping hands the [[underlined]] "wipes" [[/underlined]] going at once into her mouth.

The complyance.  The prisoner - The Guard.  Its military appearance.  The excellent acting of this old mother - one instant crying [[underlined]] to perfection [[/underlined]] then laughing [[underlined]] real [[/underlined]] the next.  Fear she knows not.  The gun brought to leave - no go.  The unflinching eye - Bravo!  Gun supposed by Capt B. not to be loaded - an hour after gun found to be heavily charged with Ball - a heavy - ounce - ball [[underlined]] but no powder! [[/underlined]]  The conniving woman - before reaching the vessel a confederate stepping in to receive some orders from the prisoner.  This stragler ordered

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1860 Dec. Wedns 12

Skak-poke (go home)  Arriving at the G. H. the prisoner taken to the Galley is allowed to bring forth the secreted water proof.  She had taken [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] & secreted it where she & no one could find it - intending from the circumstances to make the finishing stroke complete to-night.  Told plainly to go & sin no more.  No Seals caught to day.  My visit to nuna - (land) N. Star Village with Mgan to see if something could not be done for Polly wife no 1.  He sends for Tuk-oo-li-to.  The conference - The overwhelming [[strikethrough]] thanks [[/strikethrough]] thanks in advance for [[underlined]] "doctoring" [[/underlined]] the nuliana.  Spent 1/2 hours here pleasantly.  His three wives each in their proper places before their distinct lamps - All looking cheerful, little Kou-koo-yer & Menoun not excepted.

My visit to Ebierbing's - The three lamps in full blaze Tuk-oo-li-too takes her position by hers - the two other ladies occupying same Igloo each by theirs.  Remained here a full hour "Russel the Ex-cook of the G. H. (he was [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] succeeded when the Rescue was lost) agreeing to remain to [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] accompany me to the vessel.  The conversation kept up with great [[strikethrough]] much [[/strikethrough]] interest by Ebirbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  They delight to hear me tell them of Henry Grinnell - make many enquiries about him.  It does my whole soul good to tell them of so noble so good a man.  They delight also in having me tell of my nuliana (wife) & little ones.  Of course I delight also in telling them.  I was highly pleased at a remark Ex [[strikethrough]] Steward [[/strikethrough]] Cook made - or rather at the reply of Tuk-oo-li-too to his remarks there to-night.  Said [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] he How some of our American [[underlined]] belles [[/underlined]] would envy Tuk oo-li-too's red cheeks if they could but see her, Would they not Mr. Hall?  I turned to get a glance of Tuk-oo-li-too to see if she fully comprehend his questions.  I saw she did not, said I: Tuk oo-li-too, Kissu belle".