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1860 Thursday Dec. 13th

This morning Starlight - Wind Light from N.W. Bar 29.450. Ther - 3° 1/2 
Ice formed last night three inches thick over the "Fire-hole".  Yesterday I cut a hole through the ice & found the New (that is the ice formed since last closing in) to be 17 inches thick.  This Morn I take my Sextant & "triangulate" some portion Rescue Bay - 

Capt. B. the Governor, Judge & Jury, Constable & [[underlined]] Physician [[/underlined]] of a section of country extending hundreds of miles in every direction!

I have been out on the ice in Rescue Bay all day one of the Sailor boys of the "George Henry accompanying me.

The distance from the George H. to the entrance of the Harbor where the Parkers' vessels [[strikethrough]] lay [[/strikethrough]] were moored [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] this last Fall is:
Six & three fourths Miles (Nautical)
Distance from Look out Island to G.H. 3900 feet about 65/100 of a nautical mile
The former distance I determined by triangulations
Distance from Look-out Island (the high [[strikethrough]] neare [[/strikethrough]] nearest to opposite Side Bay) to entrance said Harbor, say [[underlined]] Six [[/underlined]] nautical miles.  The estimate of officers & men was 8 to 10 miles.  Capt. B. came within 1 1/4 miles

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1860 Ths. Dec 13

Many narrow escapes to day by Innuits & our men by getting on to the ice newly forming in the middle of the Bay.  No Seals captured by the natives to-day tho' several seen.

Tuk-oo-li-too not been aboard to-day.  She had heard that I was out in the Bay & knowing that she could not read her lessons as usual to me did not judge it expedient to come.  My visit to N. Star Village with Ebierbing.  The call at Mgan's Tupic - the Stewards entrance.  My simple written letter carefully envelloped - Sealed & addressed to Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  The 1st letter they ever received.  The plan laid by Ebierbing, myself & Steward for some fine fun with this letter & Tuk-oo-li-too.  The plan [[strikethrough]] executed [[/strikethrough]] laid in Mgan's tupic.  Ebierbing & myself proceede to the former's Igloo.  The entrance of E. & I hidingly behind.  In 10 minutes Steward - Hudson - enters.  Finds Ebierbing Tukoolitoo & myself in earnest conversation.  The excellent acting of Hudson & announcing his possession of a letter handed him by a Kodluna for Joe & Hannah - Long faces on Hudson's Joe's & my shoulders.  Tukoolitoo with great alacrity takes the letters & reads the address: [To Ebierbing and Tuk-oo-li-too} at once.  She discovers smiles on Ebierbings & my faces.  Distrusts. 
Opens the letter - finds a Card with my name - Looks at the signature of the letter & comprehends all.  She reads it.  Find it written in just such language as she has learned.  Reads of my nuliana - & little ones in America - Reads of transpired events around here to-day.  Reads my description of God - of

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected for incorrect insertion designation, irrelevant strikethroughs & other transcription errors. @kdownunder