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1860 } Friday } December 14th
An Arctic ^[[Wolf]] [[strikethrough]] Fox [[/strikethrough]] was seen prowling around the vessel last night. Chase was given but the animal being one of speed away he went toward North Star Village. It is probable he had an eye to one of the dogs on which he might have bounced & made [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] a meal had it not been for the intervention of human [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrouhg]]  devices.
Ugan, one of the great hunters of the North, went out sealing yesterday morning - returned at noon (of same day) then went off toward the head of the Bay found a seal's ^[[breathing]] hole & remained [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] through the night struck at the seal & returned home this morn. Ugan has a 4 legged stool that he has made the feet muffeled with Rabbit fur that the least noise on the ice may not be made. What patience it does require to sit watching day & night at a little hole ^[[through the ice]] perhaps the size of their spear shank (1/2 inch) & then perhaps at [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] last hearing the "blow" of the seal at this hole - [[underlined]] strike [[/underlined]] at the seal & miss it!
In this case of Ugan, his [[strikethrough]] blow [[/strikethrough]] stroke was a trifle one side of the seal hole, his spear hitting the ice - the rebound to Mgan was such that it threw him back over his stool, falling heavily on the suko (ice) almost breaking his shoulder! Remaining home but a few minutes, he came aboard got a mug of coffee - & is now out again. 
Ebierbing & other natives are out sealing to-day.  I have let the former take my favorite rifle as there are occasional seals seen in the open water, a narrow channel mid-way of the Bay. The usual instrument of capturing seals through the Winter by the natives is the Spear.
I took a walk out toward Look out island this morn. As I returned found the fresh breeze from the N.E. cutting.
Kok-er-Zhun, nuliana of Chimerarchu was aboard this AM.  She, it will be recollected is the daughter of the lamented "Cudlargo". [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Kok-er-zhun]] is a noble girl - or rather woman for she is a wife - tho' she appears but sweet sixteen. Seeing buttons off my [[strikethrough]] wristbands [[/strikethrough]] wristbands
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1860 Dec 14th Friday
She kindly proposed to replace them. Of course, I was glad to accept her offer. Before she finished, no less than 5 buttons were handsomely sewed on to their places - 3 being on the bosom of the shirt.  Whenever my garments are out of order then good people at once notice it & are [[strikethrough]] thankful [[/strikethrough]] thankful to restore them to order. Of course I seek opportunities to repay for such kindness
Yesterday six seals were captured by the natives of the Upper Village. Capt. B. told the natives ^[[(Huskys)]] of the North Star village this morn that if they returned to-day [[underlined]] for dinner [[/underlined]] without having a Seal, they could get none on the G.H.
I fear - aye - I know the [[underlined]] dependence [[/underlined]] the natives feel on the G.H. for hard bread & coffee makes them indifferent about success in the Sealing line.
Ebierbing returned this eve. He shot 2 seals with my rifle but owing to the fact of their being in open water, he on the ice & no kay-ak he could not save them.
Ebierbing reports that several of the other Huskys [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] drifted down the Bay ^[[this P.M.]] [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] on a detached flow of ice.  They are in a bad fix but no alarm is raised in their behalf. Indeed the natives doubt not they will find some way by morning of getting from the drifting ice to the fixed.
The new ^[[thin]] ice is the best for sealing on, therefore the risks that are run.
Not a native returned to dinner - They are now getting in earnest about their Sealing Excursions.  The upper village hunters have captured 2 seals to-day. North Star Village hunting have killed three & [[underlined]] saved one [[/underlined]] to-day.
This eve by the kindness of Capt. Budington a skillet full of mush was made for Nukerton, which I had the pleasure of carrying over to her. I went over with Ebierbing Tuk-oo-li-too & Kok-er-zhun - the latter aboard this P.M. to take lessons in reading.