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1860 Dec 15th Saturday

Ku-jesse was down to-day.  Tuk-oo-li-too has not been aboard to-day.  She designs coming to-morrow early & remain all day reading in her book & talking about God.  She says she shall cease working on the Sabbath.
I hope to accomplish much Good by assisting Tuk-oo-li-too in her studies & contemplations.  She seems anxious to learn the Lord's Prayer that she & Ebierbing can pray to-gether every night & morning.  O, I do hope to meet these noble friends in heaven.  God grant that it may be so.  May they be instruments in the hands of Him Who lived & died for a sinful World, of bringing many souls to Heaven!

IX O'Clock Night.  The starts & Aurora are nearly obscured by gathering clouds.  The Bar. is falling - now 29.275 Ther. 1° above 0.  Wind fresh from N.W.  About time for a gale.  A continued spell of even, moderate weather have or had of late.  For 14 days we have had pleasant weather for these [[?]].
The Sabbath again comes - Welcome - welcome, sweet day of all the days!

Sunday Dec 16th + = 1860

A strong wind (VI 1/2 O'Clk AM) from the NW is blowing.  Ther. minus 3° this Morn., Bar 29.262
At hVII-m40 A.M. Aurora beams shooting up from various points of the Compass & meeting at Zenith as it were making a Temple beneath where [[underlined]] glorious [[/underlined]] dome we are invited this Morning to Worship [[strikethrough]] this Morning [[/strikethrough]] the Most High,

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1860 + [[Sunday]] Dec. 16th

Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too came aboard this morning but did not remain long as the former signified he must have T. go ahead as far as possible & make up his winter dresses.  As I before the whole of the village females are busily engaged making up furs into their Winter clothing.  The upper village as well as this are thus engaged.
An inkling got hold of to-day that showed [[underlined]] sharp [[?Ugarny]] was getting in readiness to depart soon for [[?Niart]] the upper part of Northumberland Inlet & taking along with him Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  Once there that would be the last of them.  Capt. B. immediate action to check this.  His acts that of reason & justice.  The spirit of Tuk-oo-li-too - A noble one improved by her contact with civilization.  About to depart without supper - I begging her "wich-ow".  The final acquiescence.  She awaits.  The supper - "Que-en-e-mik."  The departure for home after taking lessons in reading & spelling.
A strong wind has been blowing all day from N.W.  Several hands have been ashore, some now frost bitten walking the distance of 1/2 mile.  [[?Kijesse]] has been down to-day.  The brother of Old Allokee [[space]] & his wife have been down to-day.  They came down on a dog sledge - brought 2 models of Ky-ah wh. 2 of the hands of the G.H. had engaged.

Transcription Notes:
Bottom of first page too faded to transcribe.