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1860 }  Wednesday } Dec 
                  } 19th
VII oclock A.M
The thermometer this gloriously fair & calm morning is minus 20[[degree symbol]]. Bar 30.175. Cold indeed is it by thermometer, 52[[degree symbol]] below freezing point, yet so calm is the weather that to my person it seemeth no colder that at the commencement of the season when the thermometer indicated 32[[degree symbol]] above 0. Let a ^[[smart]] breeze spring up coming from the N.W. how like hot iron it would [[underlined]] burn [[/underlined]] !  Unless we have some more ^[[soon]] the ice will freeze thick & solid throughout the regions
Snow upon the ice served to keep it [[underlined]] warm [[/underlined]] same as snow the ground in the Northern States of America. [[short solid line]] IX o'clock A.M.
I have just been out walking & running exposing myself my face & hands to the cold air - A light breeze [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] prevailing from N.W. I am confident there is something yet to be discovered relative to Air & Cold. The human system is not such a liar as three excellent thermometers I have would make it if I gave full credence to their story this Morning. I say there is yet something yet to be discovered relative to Air & Cold. My three thermometers say 20[[degree symbol]] minus - & yet for greater exposure ^[[than at other times [[?]] ]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] least to no unpleasant results.
I am aware moisture in the Air makes a great difference in affecting the human system But a fact is a fact. The ^[[cold]] air from the same direction - equally charged with aqueous matter, at different times, shows a difference
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19th Dec
of 10[[degree symbol]] to 20 degrees [[strikethrough]] in coldness]]. in the Thermometer. And yet, the ^[[Air]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[at the]] lowest [[strikethrough]] point [[/strikethrough]] temperature effects [[underlined]] the human system less than ^[[at]] the hightest. [[/strikethrough]]
Commencing XI o'clock AM - 
I have been deeply pondering upon an important matter for several days. I feel, ^[[that]] on its results hangs much of my success relative to next years voyage to King William's Land. Some time ago, I had it in mind to [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] make a journey ^[[this winter]] to the heart of "Northumberland Inlet" by means of dogs & sledges, intending to be accompanied by some natives. I had brought the matter before Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too, asking them if they would not like to visit there. Ebierbing & his nuliana at once replied [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] that they would like to accompany me ^[[Tukoolitoo]] expressing the great desire she had of seeing her brother To-^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to" [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] before starting with me for Igloo[[?]] & King Williams Land. - [[strikethrough]] & also [[/strikethrough]] & also congratulating [[strikethrough]] how [[/strikethrough]] on so fine [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] an opportunity to get her chest of clothes she had up there.
Ebierbing has 5 capital dogs which with mine would make a capital team. But in all matters, important or otherwise, if of any account, I cheerfully go to Capt. Budington for counsel & advice. After laying the desires I had, before him stating the reasons for it, He decided that I had better ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[at]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] defer [[/strikethrough]] ^[[avoid]] running all [[strikethrough]] any more [[/strikethrough]] risks [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]] my mission [[strikethrough]] there called [[/strikethrough]] ^[[here did not seriously require [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]]. 
The main objects in View was to secure beyond doubt the services of John Ranch ^[[for my voyage to K W L]] with whom I consulted when the "Georgiana, (Capt Tyson) was here. Also to approximate in the survey of the Coast up to the head of said