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1860. Wednes. Dec. 19th 

If I can send to the States by Capt. B. a Chart approximating to the true Geographical location of Land & Water extending from Oo-kood-lear Bay down to the Extremity of Frobisher Bay Will not [[strikethrough]] the men of m [[/strikethrough]] my countrymen be grateful to Capt. Sidney O. Budington through whose co-operation as I have referred it alone can be done?  Not only my country will return to him a grateful acknowledgement but other nations, not withholding justice to the meritorious, will join in the true recognition of his invaluable aid.  A determination of the true Location of those Waters that for Centuries have been [[underlined]] doubtingly & untruthfully [[/underlined]] denominated "Frobisher Strait" & so mapped - will fall within the province of the co-operating aid of Capt. B. - So of Hall Island, Sussex Island) etc.  Lands extending S.E. between Rescue Bay & "Frobisher" Bay to a point North of Resolution Island. 

[[right margin]]  Tuk-oo-li-too aboard this Morn & took lessons. [[/right margin]]

At VII 1/2 o'clock P.M. the Aurora presenting a [[underlined]] new phase [[/underlined]] Rays shooting [[?athrust]] the S. & western sky parrallel with the horizon. 
[[image - drawing of sky as described above with Moon annotated]]

[[left margin]]  X o'clock Night cloudy [[/left margin]]

IX Bar. 30.200, Ther. 17 1/2 minus
Aurora & Moon & Star light wind light NW

[[end page]]
[[start page]] 

1860 Thursday Dec. 20th
hV- m30 A.M. Between IX & X last night it began to cloud up.  By X the whole sky was obscure.  Ther. now 8[[degree symbol]] minus, Bar. 30.222 Wind very light NW 

This Morn a few stars dimly visible.  There must be a storm prevailing not far from us, as a tremendous roar of waters & crunching ice comes from Davis Strait.  The ice around the shore of this Harbor is constantly 'singing', indicating that a heavy sea is now effecting us even here.  The ice near the middle of Rescue Harbor must be breaking up as a 'thundering' from that direction I hear.  Poor Esquimaux - the prospects are poor indeed!  The "George Henry" has proved a God-send to them in their misfortunes, thus far this season.  But is this all?  No!  I see around me every day, natives that [[strikethrough]] once [[/strikethrough]] saved the life of [[underlined]] him who is now [[underlined]] their [[/underlined]] benefactor [[/underlined]] & the lives of many of his ship's company, a few years ago, when wintering here!  What a theme for thought & admiration.  A people here who counted no hardship too great - no sacrifice [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] they could make [[/underlined]] - devoting them all to the preservation of strangers - to the preservation of Americans.  The deed is remembered with gratitude by the Commander of the G.H. 
Tho' his heart is big in good deeds - one that seeks to relieve the unfortunate yet he takes not the present occasion to do good to the natives because they once were good to him.  The satisfaction he receives from the consciousness 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. @ kdownunder