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1860 Dec 22 Saturday
Saturday, Dec. 22d 1860

The Bar. this Morn stands at 30.100
Ther. 32[[degree symbol]] 1/2 plus!  Wind N.E.  During the night considerable rain fell.  This [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] extraordinary for the season Latitude & Longitude.

The natives are in sad plight. 'Poor sick Nuk-er-ton, I pity her', says Capt B. 

XII Noon - I have just returned from a visit to North Star village.  Not exactly a conflagration of the town have I to record but the [[underlined]] melting down [[/underlined]] of it!  Nearly every Igloo is in ruins by the rain storm.  Some have fallen in - others about to.  The Men Innuits are busily engaged in erecting outer Walls filling in snow between the old & the new.  I visited newly every habitation & found the inmates exclaiming: 'P-e -e-took, (Bad) Pe-on-e-took' (Bad) [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] some adding 'Hungry [[strikethrough]] amcesut [[/strikethrough]] am-e-su-et! (hungry very much.)

I carried over to sick Nuk-er-ton (I was accompanied by Chimerarchu & his Kok-er-zhun) a skillet of gruel which she received with a thankful heart.  I told her as usual]] Capt. B. pe-e-e-uke (Good)  She exclaimed 'pe-e-e-u-ad-lo' (He is very good)  She speaks truthfully! 
As Tuk-oo-li-to was not over to breakfast, I told the Steward if he would [[strikethrough]] send [[/strikethrough]] get ready what he intended for her I would carry it [[strikethrough]] to to her [[/strikethrough]] over.  So I did.  She

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1860 Dec 22d Saturday

could not come over on [[strikethrough]] account a [[/strikethrough]] account of the near destruction of her & Ebierbing's Igloo.  She told me it an [[strikethrough]] unusal [[/strikethrough]] unusual occurrence with the Innuits [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] to be thus afflicted at this season of the year.  Not [[strikethrough]] unusual [[/strikethrough]] unusual however in the Spring [[strikethrough]] of the year [[/strikethrough]] Sometimes the whole dome of the Igloo comes down over their heads [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] caused by [[strikethrough]] rain & [[/strikethrough]] the melting rains.

During the whole morning it has been pouring down sleet - rain & snow. - 
About 1 o'clock Tuk-oo-li-to informs me the whole top - the dome of their Igloo fell in, covering their bed & dress furs in wet snow.  Ebierbing therefore erected a canvass tent over the ruins Tukoolitoo clearing out the snow from beneath.

To-day, while in Ebierbing's Igloo, I found his dress wet through & through - that he had not a dry thread on his back.  He had been out all the morning endeavoring to save his Igloo from the almost universal ruins around him. I proposed if he would accompany me to the vessel he should have a red-shirt as a present & that I [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] would loan him my oil cloth coat, water proof hat & dry mittens.  Of course he accepted this with Que-en-e-mik (I thank you)

After dinner on the return of Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too to their home it continued raining hard.  I thought it a good time to bring out one of my umbrellas (I had two with me when I left the States)  As this was for Tuk-oo-li-too's protection (of her fur dress) I handed it to her to open.  She being used to  

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected for incorrect insertion designation, irrelevant strikethroughs & other transcription errors. @kdownunder