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[[symbol: cross]] Dec 23 1860

walk it required on own part to keep up with the little coffee bearer ahead of us.  The goose-like waddle of an Esquimaux woman as she walks makes it [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] appear that her advance is at a snail pace. But how deceiving women are — [[underlined]] sometimes! [[underlined]]  I have learned that it takes a smart Walker to keep good time in walking with [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Innuit women. 

The pleasant walk of 1/2 mile brought us to the Iqloo of Chimerarchu where we found poor Nuk-er ton alone.  Capt. B. proceeded to apply the plaster while I & Oo-kood-lear were the interested attendants.  This done. Capt. B. Coffee pot in hand, poured out its hot contents into a liberal sized dish, sweetening it according to native's taste.  This done, Nukerton resting on her elbows, reclining face downwards, proceeded to sip-sip.  At length I saw the Captain raise his hand to his bosom.  He drew forth bread for the hungry!  Intently had I watched every act.  The index of his mind — the face—beaming with inexpressible joys, shone out like that of some bright one from some higher sphere than terestial. 

The circumstances — the surroundings all in all — made the scene within that Igloo which I saw, then & there, one of the most interesting of my life!  Ere I was prepared for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] thought, I found [[strikethrough]] myself [[/strikethrough]] giving myself up to reflective, contemplation.  I was overwhelmed in tears!  O God, How thankful that I have lived to behold such noble outpourings of the heart's devotion to Thee - to Thine & to humanity's call. 

A grateful soul has Nukerton; — but she could hardly utter a word.  [[underlined]] Her [[underlined]] language was spoken [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] up [[/strikethrough]] in silent gushings in tears that run down her tatooed Cheeks [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] as if they were diamonds showered from her inmost soul!  — I could stand it no longer

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[[symbol: cross]] Dec 23 1860

[[underlined]] My [[/underlined]] heart's tribute must be paid to [[underlined]] the [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] dispenser of good to God's Children here in the North. [[strikethrough]] As it was [[/strikethrough]] 

I grasped, as it were involuntarily, the hand of these deeds & cried: [[underlined]] 'God bless you Captain Budington for He knowest you do greatly bless others. [[underlined]]  This Sir, is one of the happiest hours of my life'.  I could not help wishing that the world could have looked in upon that scene [[underlined]] as it was! [[/underlined]]

From here, the Captain turned his steps toward Mgan's tupik (I & Ookoodlear still accompanying) not however till he had filled to overflowing other [[strikethrough]] cups [[/strikethrough]] mugs with [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] refreshing coffee for the [[strikethrough]] of the [[/strikethrough]] needy on his way.  The truth is the natives are starving, or rather would be if it were not for the [[strikethrough]] careful [[/strikethrough]] carefully dispensing hand of the G. H.'s Commander.  I have before told the reason of the extremity to which the natives here are reduced.

Entering Ugar's, we found [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] 2 of his 3 nuliana's (No 1 & 2) at Home.  Tuk-oo-li-too we also [[strikethrough]] found there [[/strikethrough]] here, simply making a call while on her way to the vessel, as I found, to take lessons of me in reading.  Seating myself beside poor Nik-u-jar (Polly) who [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is suffering with that severe disease consumption I awaited the completion of Capt B.'s mission there which was still to shower blessings.  Coffee & Sea-biscuit were [[strikethrough]] each of [[/strikethrough]] soon before those who a-hungered & were a-thirst.  How cheering was that call of Capt. B's to the almost despairing hearts of that Tupik!  Oo-kood-lear preceded the little group which now [[strikethrough]] was back to [[/strikethrough]] returns to the G.H.  This group consisted of Capt. B. & Tuk-oo-li-too & myself.  Tuk-oo-li-too was dressed in civilization style - in common civilization language, had on her Sunday's best!

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