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Tuesday Christmas Day, 1860

Three of them have been to the civilized world - the 1st two to Eng. the 3d to the U.S. - therefore they may have participated in dinners that exceeded in variety the one to-day - but certain [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is that they enjoyed this first rate.

Tuk-oo-li-too gave the following as a toast:  'May we all be in Ig-loo-lik next year'!
This was a capital sentiment when we take into consideration the circumstances.  She has a sister in Igloolik, or near there, whom she is anxious to see while on our way to King William's Land.  I expect to take my company up Fox Channel [[underlined]] to Igloolik, [[/underlined]] thence through Strait of Fury & Heckla thence across Gulf of Boothia, direct if possible - if not direct thence up E side Gulf of B. to the 1st point I can cross.  The party was thus seated 
Que-jes-se at the end next the Captain Birth - & his nuliana, Tu-nuk-de-lien, on the locker with Ebierbing -  Tuk-oo-lo-too opposite [[strikethrough]] opposite [[/strikethrough]] Tunukde-lien, myself opposite end to Que-jes-se
[[image - drawing of table with 5 sequential numbers (1)-(5) to denote where attendees were sitting]]

{The Capt is asleep in his Birth with open door-}

No (5) is Que-jes-se
(4) Ebierbing
(3) Tunuk-delien
(2) Tuk-oo-li-to.
(1) C.F. Hall- presiding 

Capt. Lamb of the immortal but lost "Rescue" volunteered to act as Waiter in which capacity he filled to the admiration of all, myself especially.  The health of himself, wife & little ones at

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[[start page]]

Tuesday Christmas Day 1860


The morning - Day - & the evening have been fine  Aye, fine - indeed!
The Aurora at play till a late hour this Morn the same of this eve.
The display of to-night has been exceedingly interesting.  Curtains of gold above curtains of gold are hung in the Southern W & E sky.

Eve 1X Ther

Transcription Notes: