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1860 [[symbol: cross]] Dec 30

for my memory!  There sat Kok-er-zhun, wife of Chi-mer anr-chu before her lamp, drinking in every word as Tuk-oo-li-too interpreted to sick Nuk-er-ton what I had requested to be said.  Tuk-oo-li-too went on talking to N. all that I had learned her of God, Jesus Christ, Heaven, The Good etc & then she stood, weeping over the form of her whom we all love as a sister - noble Nukerton -  O, God, bless every word & thought while in that Igloo by Nukerton.  God bless that creature of thine, noble Tuk-oo-li-too who is seeking to do all the Good she can.  After this interesting interview Tuk-oo-li-too & Kok-er-zhun proceeded to the vessel while I went to the former's Igloo & obtained my bottle of spirits of Camphor for the purpose of laving the temples of Nukerton.  Here I remained chaffing the hot tattooed brow - of this afflicted but resigned Esquimaux.  Here I remained alone with this dear one whose spirit may soon be in the presence of God & angels.  O, that she may go to that happy Land where all is rejoicing & the song is Glory to God in the Highest. 

When I arrived aboard, it was near night - A few minutes after, Capt B. sent a bowl of excellent gruel to Nuk-erton by Oo-kood-lear, a warm, good hearted girl

At V this eve a regular gale set in from N.W. 
No Seals to-day.
Que-jes-se Pan-loo-yer ("Blind George")

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1860 [[symbol: cross]] Dec 30

& his Koo-koo-yer, filial daughter, & Kim-mu-lu are here.  I must prepare to put these dear creatures to-bed.

XI O'clock night.  Have just attended to my dear Esquimaux children - Kimmulu & Que-jes-se bedding them on Sailors chests - "Blind George" & his Koo-koo-yer snugly up in one corner - all in the Main Cabin.

Little Koo-koo-yer is stopping aboard with her father, while the mother, Nik-u-jar, wife No 1 of Ugar, is away up to Oo-kood-lear.  How sweetly Koo-koo-yer [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] looks sleeping by her kind, Blind father.  In [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a few hours, Koo-Koo-yer's eyes will open brightly, reflecting back images of her kind friends - but alas, not so of her ang-u-ta (father).  His eyes are closed in a long - a Life long night.  [[strikethrough]] His [[/strikethrough]] He will see no more till death, when I pray that God & the Heavenly Host above will bless [[strikethrough]] greet [[/strikethrough]] him with angelic sight.

Sleep on, loved ones, - you are as dear to me as any of God's children can be.

XI 1/4 Wind blowing a gale from N.E. since 5 O'clock P.M. accompanied by thick snow
Ther. Zero - {
Bar, 29.300

The evening spent in an [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] interesting conversation with Capt. B. on religious matters.  The subject matter of his reminiscing the practice of swearing so common to those who follow the sea - Death of 13 of his crew here N. 10 of whom swore till Death.

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