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1861 Jan 2. Wedns. 

My purpose is that Sterry & those named start on Friday Morning - to go to the point I indicate near where An-nawa & his family are & there errect an Igloo & then for Sterry & Chimerarchu to commence sealing or hunting rein-deer 
Que-jes-se to come back at once. 

On Monday next I expect to start with Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too, Que-jes-se & Tunukdelien.  This is the earliest moment my dress & the winter dress of Tuk-oo-li-too including the feet gear (Kum-mings) can be in readiness 

Went over to N. Star Village again this eve after an entertaining time with Capt. B. Chimerarchu & Kok-er-zhun in the aft cabin.  By the way of a point worth noting, I will say Kok-er-zhun appears to-day in a beautiful Tuk-too fur dress.  It has a skirt standing out Hoop-fashion!  The variety of colors of the Tuk-too is beautifully arranged.  So prettily does she appear in this dress, that Capt. B. honestly says she would pass at home for a Broadway belle! 

As indicated, I went over to the village & spent 2 hours in Ebierbing's, talking with him, his nuliana & Sushy". The last 2 hard at work on my "furs".  While there Mr Sterry came in & stopped a few minutes  
Every night Tuk-oo-li-too makes up a kettle full of rich soup of the Cincinnati Cracklings.  Each one who has participated in this exclaims: 'pu-e-ad-lo' (it is very good)  And so say I!  I am astonished at its excellence - I only regret I 

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1861 Jan 2 Wedns

have not more than the small lot I have.

The way Tuk-oo-li-too prepares the soup is to break up the pressed mass into fine pieces - put them into boiling water incorporating a few spoonfuls of "Bread dust" (powdered sea-bread) salt & pepper. 
One evening not long since Tuk-oo-li-too made her soup hot with pepper, at least, it so proved for next day (the day we went up to upper village) Ebierbing's tongue was sans skin, at least on top of it.  Still to my taste the soup was right in seasoning.

To-night the number of natives that participated in that soup was 6.  I carried to almost dead Nuk-er-tow a dish of said soup.  It tasted good to her.  Chimerachu & Kok-er-zhun abed but not asleep! 
As I came out of Ebierbing's Igloo with that jar of soup for Nuk-er-tow one of the most magnificent sights man ever beheld met my sight!  The bright, refulgent Aurora stretching across the heavens like a double belt from E to W.  Of course as usual, circling around to the South.  The center of base was 20° high - the legs that is the W & E ends down near the horizon 
It run up in detached beams - beneath was the dark sky.  The pea-green & red beautifully displayed to-night.  The light of the Aurora made everything visible far & near.  Now XI Night Ther 21 Minus, Bar 29.300 wind Light NW  Have just been on deck.  I might as well - (better -