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Jan 3d 
The laughing-dog King - Ok, with face of a Ni-nook (White Bear) [[strikethrough]] His continued [[/strikethrough]] turning every few moments to see if the lash was coming that way. About as funny ^[[a]] sight as ever met my eye, the look of Kingok turning his head square around [[strikethrough]] looking [[/strikethrough]] a combined laugh or dog-smile with that of a look that seemed to say 'Please don't whip [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] me- ^[[I am]] [[underlined]]  "White-face" [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] dog'! Now & then, King-ok got the [[strikethrough]] 3 [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] tip of the 30 feet lash to which he responded by ^[[a cry &]] a taut face.
We got back in fine order - I feel all the better for the trip, [[insert]] a haste of [[strikethrough]] my [[strikethrough]] [[/insert]] My native suit worn on this occasion. Though thermometer over 50[[degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] above [[strikethrough]] ^[[below]] freezing point yet my perfect comfort in this suit. 
Tuk-oo-li-too a good dress maker.
This I can vouch for - excellent in cutting out.
            } Coming down from upper village
Thermometer } The broken sledge 
Bar.        } shoe" (whale bone)
Wind        } The remedy - My pocket
            } handkerchief - cut into
            } shreds by broken ice
            } Present it to Tuk-oo-li-too
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Jan 4th Friday, 1861.
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This Morn fine Aurora.
According to arrangement, Sterry called me about 3 o'clock this morning. We commenced & completed the repair of the sledge shoe by 3 1/2 o'clock. By drag ropes, we ^[[soon]] had the Kom - me - tik at the N. Star Village in position for its two family load. While Sterry & Chimerarchu proceeded to load, I ^[[went a -]] [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] dog hunting. Lantern in hand, I took a look into each of the long snow-entrances to the [[strikethrough]] Igloos [[/strikethrough]] Igloos. In these entrances, the dogs find [[strikethrough]] a [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] sleeping places - [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Capital kennels they make. At last, in Ugan's deserted tupik I found [[underlined]] Ee [[/underlined]] & Barbekark - the rest
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Jan 4th
of my dogs were not. This was no unimportant joke. Yesterday [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] visited the upper village one of the purposes being to get 2 of my dogs By day-light, some of the dogs made their appearance - Borrowing of this & that Exquimaux their dogs I finally made out a team. The Kommetik was heavily ladened. At IX all was ready, & away the advance company started. The passage from nana ^[[(land)]] to the main - ice was a difficult one on account of the broken ice ^[[to be found every where]] all along shore caused by rise & fall of ^[[the]] tides
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The company were in fine spirits - Kok-er-zhun wife of Chimerachu, dressed in ^[[her]] Belle costume. I told my friends I should endeavor to be ready with the [[strikethrough]] rest [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Balance]] of the company by Monday. The hour of the AM spent with [[strikethrough]] Tuk [[/strikethrough]] Tuk-oo-li-too & her aunt 
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(Suzhy) continue conversation of American customs & that of ^[[the]] Innuits. 
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The removal of [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] almost dead Nuk-er-ton to the little Igloo (4 Innuit women & myself
The removal, by [[strikethrough]] Nuk [[/strikethrough]] Nuk-er ton being placed upon Rein-deer skin & 2 women taking hold on one side 2 on the other myself at the [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] head.
No one present but the 4 women & myself Men Innuits off Sealing.
Take Nukerton in at an opening left for the purpose at the back side of the Igloo. When [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[N. was comfortably (?) placed within]] [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] I proceede to saw snow blocks & close [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the opening [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] up. Then N. then was completely walled in with door as window. An woman Innuit stands by & instructs. Miner's wife proceedes
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