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1861 Jan 7th Mon 

At 11 O'clock AM I went over to N. Star Village visited sick Nuk-er-ton who to all appearance cannot in her present state long survive.  As usual, I spent an hour with Tuk-oo-li-too whom I found busily engaged with Suzhy (Ku-wer-le-arny) finishing off some winter dresses.  The interviews I have with this interesting Innuit are of great value to me in making up the statement relative to this people.

The dual declaration - the [[solid line]]! this is to sung by the part, say by my friend W.W. Fosdick on my rehearsing to him the facts.  I am sure the Music will be courted kindly by him

My walk with Capt B. after dinner to Rescue Island.  The ogbig deeply imbedded in ice. [[strikethrough]] such say if  [[/strikethrough]] hole that reaches down to it.  Flop tracks all around.  The elephantine boots thrown the Commander of the G.H. flat as the Cook's. "Elephant Ears."!  I stand triumphant over him.

This morn about X1 the Capt - saw [[strikethrough]] sees [[/strikethrough]] a dog team approaching - thought it Que-jesse - proved to be some train from upper village on the way to Sealing.  The proposition to have Nuk-er-too brought aboard [[solid line]]

(V o'clk Eve) I must away to North Star village to see - & do what little I can for the Sick.  How my heart yearns to do more for Nukerton.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Jan 8th Tuesday Morning 4 O'Clock 1861

'She is dead!
Receive back her spirit, I pray thee, O God, for she is Thine'.

Thus I exclaimed one hour since beneath the dome of the Igloo (snow hut) wherein lay the earthly tabernacle of Nuk-en-ton whose noble spirit had just departed for that bourne whence no traveller returns:.

What a scene in my life has just transpired!

May Heaven over rule it for my good.  Aye - for that of others too!

I have just returned - or rather as it is now 4 - arrived at the vessel 40 minutes since.  I have been spending the night with dying Nuk-en-ton - have closed her eyes in death - & laid her out preparatory for the last act of respect for the dead.  I cannot but believe she who was alone with me one hour ago, is now in Heaven chanting songs of praise to Him who liveth now & forever.  Then can we wish her back?  Can we 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected for incorrect insertion designation, irrelevant strikethroughs & other transcription errors.