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1861 Thursday Jan 10th

of such articles of clothing as have become needful of it.  Nothing is allowed to go a day without making the repairs required.  Every thing where care is necessary to its keeping - even to pipes & tobacco - is placed in Tuk-oo-li-too's hands.  After enjoying a smoke all around, save the lady (she do'nt smoke!) we turn in, my position being between 2 hot blooded Innuits (all are so as a general thing) Ebirnbing & Koodloo.

2d Night in an Igloo!

Friday, Jan 11th 1861

Under way this morning, at 9 O'clk..  I for one, having spent as pleasant - as comfortable a night as ever need be.  Our course this day was due N. but owing to hummoky ice, could not follow it.  In truth, we were obliged to beat a retreat to escape the "fix" in wh. we found ourselves hemmed in as we were by Ice-bergs, hummocks etc. 
The first thing of the morning after our breakfasts were the icing the sledge re-packing load.

As we were about starting, I entered our vacated Igloo in wh. I had spent my 1st night & with a snow knife carved upon the Parian Walls the

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1861 Jan 11th Friday

Hall       } 'Night
Ebierbing  } Jan 10th - 11th
Tukoolitoo } 1861'
Koodloo    } 

Having done this I bent my knees upon the snow platform & with hands & eyes - & heart raised toward Heaven I repeated the Lord's Prayer with an earnestness that made me thrill with joy unspeakable.  In our direct course (North) we made but five miles this day.  When we started from the vessel, it was expected that we could reach "Budington Bay" the same day.  The obstacles we have encountered & so far surmounted prove the impossibility.  Where we made our 1st Igloo we could distinctly see Sterry's Tower - Roger's Island & Sarah's Island.  Seemingly they were not far off yet distance is not easily measured by the unpractised eye over the Sea aided or not aided by the telescope.

Altho now 5 Miles nearer yet apparently we have made but trifling headway.

As night approached the heavens became darkened by thick storm clouds.  The wind whipped around from the N.W. to the East wh. with other evidence proved to us that our journey's end could not be reached this day.  Storm & darkness were soon upon us.  Ebierbing & Koodloo took a circuit around to see where the best snow for an Igloo could be found.  While Tuk-oo-li-too & myself remained by the dogs & sledge.

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