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1861 Jan 11 Friday

At length a proper place was decided upon.  It was long after dark before we had this our 2d. Igloo completed as our movements were slow on account of the wearings of all from the day's labors.  We however, had a capital supper prepared by the experienced hand of Tuk-oo-li-too.  One thing was excellent both as to material & preparation.  This was the 1/2 lb boiled mutton of the supply furnished by Capt B  
T. made of this a dish that would have made any man who was hungry & weary exclaim "Blessed are preserved fresh meats - especially Boiled Mutton! - & Tukoolitoo for the final preparing it! - "IXL" might have been the sentiment of that meat - the same of the Cook!

The storm has now broken in upon us furiously but thanks to God, we are in an Igloo that keeps us from its terrors.  We are pleasantly - joyously enjoying the comforts of a New House resting on a foundation laid on the bosom of the mighty deep.  Who but us of the North can afford a New House every day - a house whose walls are from the heavens?  The beautiful effect on viewing a new Igloo from the outside when lighted up at night!  The voraceous dogs!  Eating Pe-to (line attached to the runners of the Sledge) & draught strings attached to the canvass harnesses.

We hope to reach early our journey's end tomorrow:  The early riser Kood-loo whom I found this Morning [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] on my waking up, hard at work on the Raw Salt pork - a choice portion of my provision.  A serious matter thus for an Innuit with Innuit appetites to get access to my very limited supply.  To-day we came across a Seal-hole where Ugarny had evidently captured a Seal the day preceeding us.

The building of our present Igloo by feeling - Snow-blocks not distinguishable from the snow around!  My assistance as carrier supplying the Snow-Mason, Ebierbing!

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3d Night in an Igloo!
Saturday, Jan 12th 1861

Here we are in Igloo No 2 - [[underlined]] & no mistake as to number! [[/underlined]]  The storm has been so terrible that to venture out were to risk one's hair!  It has blown a perfect hurricane through the day, the snow accompanying in impenetrable thickness.  Finding the elements would not admit one step in advance to-day, we laid in Tuk-too furs till near Noon when we arose eat, talked, smoked & talked - & done many other things.  Under the latters head, it may be said that Tuk-oo-li-too exercised her skill in the use of steel as represented by a pair of scissors in cutting my hair wh. I had allowed to grow to Sampson length - at least to my shoulders.  I allowed it to be cut Innuit style!  Following this I also bid adieu to a profusion of other hirstute matters - Moustaches - Whiskers!  In Unsynolitan[[?]] time all this was decidedly a protection to me.  But in Winter I found the same a [[underlined]] 'bore' [[/underlined]] & concluded to endure the icy-gathering locks no longer.  A portion of my whiskers I was obliged to lose last eve.  They had become so ice-locked that I could not get my native jacket off over my head.  So I out with a jack-knife or rather with my "Lupton" & cut longer attachment

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