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1861 Tuesday Jan 15

two Steam heaters!
Good night all!  If I survive, will show it by to-morrow's record.

Toward Eve a magnificent sight the Northern Sky painted by the descending, setting Sun, the horizon & 5° above purple while above this lilac & crimson softening away to mellow pink.

Wednesday Jan 16th 1861.

7th Night in an Igloo!

Well I am still in the regions of Seals, Polar Bears, Whales, Walruses, Ices & Snow!  Now well & quite happy withal.  But really, I thought it doubtful of being so in the early part of the night.  My feet were almost frozen, although well in Tuk-too furs & blankets.  Cold feet are indeed uncomfortable adjuncts to the human body - at least to mine.  But my cold aching feet of last night!  What could I do?  I used every method I could devise to get them warm.  For near 2 hours did I [[underlined]] work, [[/underlined]] but in vain!  At last a smooth, low voice reached my ear:  'Are you cold, Mr. Hall?'  I answered My feet are almost frozen - I cannot get them comfortable.  Quick as thought, Tuk-oo-li-too who was distant from me just the space occupied by little Punnie (that is Punnie slept in the middle) made her way down to the foot of her bed thence she made passage for her hands directly across to my feet seizing & drawing them

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1861 Wedns Jan 16

aslant to her side.  My modesty was quieted when she exclaimed:  [[underlined]] 'Your feet are like ice & must be warmed Innuit fashion!' [[/underlined]]

Tuk-oo-li-too then resumed her place beneath her Tuk-too furs, intermingling her hot feet with the ice cold ones of mine!  Soon the same musical voice toned out:  'Do your feet feel better?'  I responded:  They do & many thanks to you.  Said this kind & noble hearted Innuit woman:   'Well keep them where they are - Good night again Sir.'

My feet were not only glowing warm but [[underlined]] hot [[/underlined]] through the remainder of the night as I verily believe!  When I awoke in the morning as near as I could [[underlined]] guess [[/underlined]] there were no less than 3 pairs of warm feet all woven & interwoven so that some difficulty was experienced to tell wh. were my own!  Of course I did not see this but the evidence communicated to my two feet told me so.  If hereafter I have frozen, or cold feet, ever commend me to the like, & as the matter is treated among the Innuits not as an immodest custom.

When Ebierbing returned the only fault he found was that his nuliana (T.) had not attended to my feet in like manner two hours before thus saving that time of suffering.

Long after Sun-set, Ebierbing & Koodloo had not returned.  I began to feel alarmed.  I put on my native dress & pushed on toward Kow-tuk-ju-a.  Soon I heard the voice of the dog-driver.  On I went, till I met them with a sledge load of "Black Skin" & [[underlined]] Krang [[/underlined]] (Whale Beef), Ebierbing & Koodloo overtopping the whole.  They had not found the Whale but obtained what they had from beneath a pile of stones where it had been deposited last fall by the woman Innuit