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1861 [[symbol: cross]] Jan 20

to the Igloos, when I was obliged to cast aside my load to make my way along as best I could to the Igloos.  It seemed hours & hours in getting back!  I entered our Igloo - no one was within - I threw myself at once upon the bed platform & for a time thought my case imminent.  I made out to reach to some of my restoration medicine wh. I took the precaution to bring up here & taking a dose I soon felt a relief.

Toward Eve, with glass in hand, I went up the hill SE that overlooks the Bay & some of the Sea & away to the South I saw Ebierbing & K with Kem-muk-sin (sledge & dogs) slowly winding their way along near where our 2d Igloo had been erected.  Ebierbing was still leading the way on his snow shoes.

Punnie & Tuk-oo-li-too are now my company.  Evenings - & nights they are sleeping partners that is so far as sleeping on the same bed platform - but under distinct tuk-too furs.

Ugarny had his two Sealing dogs when he came up with Ebierbing to where I was this morning out in the Bay.  He proceeded on for what he & E. started out - Sealing.

12th Night in an Igloo!
Monday, Jan 21st 1861

Nothing of importance to record of this day save my fare now in "Black Skin" - skin of the whale & a trifling bit of that as but a meagre amount is in town!  I attempted to scale a mountain near here to day - one that I have been very anxious to "top".  It is covered with ice & hard snow.  I had to give it up for the danger I was exposing myself to was greater than

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1861 Mon Jan 21 

the demand.  As it was I run great risks!  I had with me a seal spear wh. is a capital instrument in assisting one in climbing iced mountains.

When far up its steep sides, I came to a point where the inclination was little less than 60[[degree symbol]].  Here my [[strikethrough]] ascent [[/strikethrough]] ascension was slowly step by step for at each I had to spend several minutes to cut a place in wh. I could fix my foot.

Thus slow did I go up - up, till I found there would be my work to the top wh. was yet a high way sky ward.  As I came down my oo-nun missed its hold & I came near descending a fearful height [[underlined]] instanter! [[/underlined]]  I looked below, & saw my danger.  I confess for a moment I was frightened.  But this state of feeling [[underlined]] I know would not do. [[/underlined]] - A frightened man will not do for dangers!  So I calmed my nerves & brain while in the ice step I carefully & quickly made.  When myself again I commenced descending again step by step cutting a footing as in my way up.  At length I reached a place of safety - & I was thankful, thinking that henceforth my risks should be in accordance with the objects to be gained.

This Evening I spent at Ugarny's.  He had just returned when I went in, from Sealing having been out two days & one night over one Seal-hole.  He was only rewarded at last by the Seal coming up & giving him a song of "two puffs", when away it went leaving Ugarny a disappointed Innuit.  U. says: 'Away I go to-morrow morning again.' Kun-ni-u, wife No 2 of U. while I was in there fed the Sealing dogs on a green Seal Skin cut up into pieces.  Seal-dogs, if kept in good condition are indispensible when snow covers the holes.  If not well fed their scenting out seal holes is indifferent.  I trust that Ebierbing & Kood-loo arrived at the "George Henry" to-day. 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected for incorrect insertion designation, irrelevant strikethroughs etc.