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1861 Thurs. Jan 24 

he deposited a small cask of Ook-Sook (Seal blubber) last Spring (Spring of 1860) of Seals he captured then.  All of us are looking with deep hopes of his successful return for if he finds the bears (Polar Bears) have not opened the cask & consumed its contents each Innuit fire lamp will soon be re-lighted.  The only way I have to keep from freezing is by sitting in bed with plenty of Tuk-too furs around me.  The writing I do now is done with Thermometer outside 25[[degree symbol]] minus - Inside 15[[degree symbol]] plus.

Many times have I been on the mountain to look for a return of Ebierbing - & also to watch the return of Jack.  Tuk-oo-li-too has for me (tomorrow's ration) all there is remaining of the "Black Skin" - a piece 1 1/4 inch wide & 2 inches long - its thickness 3/4 inch!

16th Night in an Igloo!
Friday, Jan 25th 1861

Glory to God, we are blessed again!  In God's own way & time!!  [[underlined]] Twice [[/underlined]] yes, [[underlined]] thrice blessed, [[/underlined]] all within a few hours!!!  12 (Midnight,) I heard foot steps within the passage way to our Igloo.  I knew it must be Jack with Ook-Sook!  I sprang from my bed - slipped on my socks & withdrew the snow block door.  There was Jack with his oo-nar (Seal Spear) covered with pierced Ook-Sook hanging like strung dried apples!  I had allowed my dog, 'Me-rak' I might almost say skelleton of my dog 'Me-rak' to sleep within the Igloo last night so strongly did he plead with me to do so.

Quick as thought - [[underlined]] quicker [[/underlined]] - on scenting & sighting the stinking Ook-Sook 'Me rak' gave one leap - a desperate one - as if the life & strength of a dozen well fed dogs, were within him!  For this 

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1861 Frid. Jan 25

self-preservation act, dog was rewarded by a liberal piece of Ook-Sook wh. he tore from the Oo-nar despite my almost super-human effort to to save this precious material for our heat & light from a dog's stomach.  Notwithstanding I [[strikethrough]] grasped [[/strikethrough]] grappled Me-rak, thrusting my hands into his very jaws - pounding, pulling & kicking him while Tuk-oo-li-too & Punnie & Jack screamed in Innuit, [[underlined]] Me-rak conquered! [[/underlined]]  I have this satisfaction, that Ook-Sook went into the hungry [[strikethrough]] dogs [[/strikethrough]] stomach of a worthy & faithful dog.  This was not the only act to record of the appearance of that blessed Ook-Sook.  Before Jack could get his richly loaded spear fairly within the Igloo, every dog about the place was around him, fighting for a share (to them) sweet scented life preserver.  One dog finally made fast to another piece - & swallowed it.  Thus was left on Jack's oo-nar only a small portion of the allotment of this precious article to our Igloo.  I am not sure White - man under the circumstances, would [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] have acted a better part than did these Innuit dogs!  Self-preservation seems to be the great law of Nature - & of civilization!

Ook-Sook at Midnight was blessing No One!

I proceede to the others:  While the material is wanting for 'Fire Lamp' - for comfort & economy we retire early & get up late.  In bed 15 hours out of 24!  I was up this morning at 1X - dressed & went out.  I looked of course where my thoughts & stomach directed [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] - in the direction Ebierbing would come.  My eyes caught something black amid the otherwise universal white.  I looked 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected.