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1861 Fri. Jan 25th

again & again.  

It moved!  My heart danced for joy.  It was Ebierbing & the dogs making their way Iglooward!!  I bent my head at the Wad-ling (the outer dome entrance to the Igloo) & cried out:  'Tuk-oo-li-too', (she & Punnie still in bed) 'He is coming he is coming!'  'That's good', was the response.  I then said to her:  'I go to meet him', & away I bounded as fast as my enfeebled body would allow me.  I soon found if I would make any progress to meet him, I would have to do it by patient, slow steps.  "Black-Skin" in home of this quantities daily eaten had but kept my stomach in action.  My remaining strength was mostly from the Beef Steaks of dear Ohio eaten & moulded into human fat, muscle & bones before leaving the States!  After tremendous struggles through the deep snow, I got within hailing distance.

At 1st, I could not tell whether it was Ebierbing or Koodloo, for somehow the impression upon me was that Kood-loo stood before me.  I cried out, however:  Ebierbing, is that [[underlined]] you? [[/underlined]]  The dogs had ceased advancing & E. almost worn out with his severe labors had thrown himself upon the Kum-mi-ti.  He could not reply.  I quickened my steps & soon had the satisfaction to know that my noble friend was before me.  I grasped his hand - My heart & eyes wept for joy!  I cast a look to the load of the Kum-mi-ti:  Blessing No 2 was there within - a Box from Capt. Budington my [[underlined]] ever dear [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] timely friend.  [[/underlined]] My sighting stopped not here.  I looked at the queerer kind of package that was on the left side of the sledge done up

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1861 Fri. Jan 25

in Seal-Skin.  Said I: 'Joe' (Americans & English call him this) What's that'? - A Seal I caught this morning!  This was too much!  I could not believe my sight sense!  And yet a fine fat SEAL was there!

I had to give freedom at last to my thankful heart: 'This God's Blessing No 3 of this morning - God, I thank Thee now & ever!'  The questions I asked Ebirnbing & his answers flowed fast.  Capt Budington, my [[underlined]] true friend [[/underlined]] as I believe & [[underlined]] know [[/underlibned]] was the 1st object of my enquiries.  He was well & had sent me a letter.  This was good news - good indeed - good news to learn that he whose soul is co-operating with mine in the work to wh. I am devoted, is well - Good news to learn that Capt B. had written me.  A few minutes being spent on the Seko (Sea ice) where I met E. & having heard the most important news, the dogs were urged forward.  (Beside the Box of provision for me & the Seal E. had captured was a lot of Whale Beef brought from the carcass at Rescue Harbor for the dogs.)

Ebierbing had but Six dogs, including 'EE', one of my Greenland dogs.  The others had been kept at the ship, having become too poor & weak for use [[strikethrough]] would[ [[/strikethrough]] until well fed up.

By hard tugging we made good time through the deep snow & over broken ice to the shore ice.  Here there was a "dead Set".  The dogs, E. & myself could not move the loaded Kum-mi-ti one inch!  Kunniu, wife No 2 of U., seeing our condition, hastened to our assistance.  Her strong arms with our small help soon placed the sledge "high & dry" on the shore close by the Igloos. 

Ebierbing's 1st & earnest call was for Water.  This we soon supplied to him by the aid of blessing No 1, the Ook-sook brought to the Igloos by Jack at Midnight.  A few moments sufficed to place Blessing No 2 before Ebierbing's Igloo, my Northern Home & Blessing No 3 was dragged by the nose on its back through the snow up the hill, through the wadling & 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected.