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1861 Fri. Jan 25

had this been predicted to me by some seeth when I left the States?  A few day after, said hirsuter material met my humbled eyes precisely as clipped, having passed through the labyninthian way leading from a dog's mouth onwards.  I saw this decorating one of the snow steps leading to the Wad-ling (outer dome) of our present Igloo.

This evening was spent by an extended & deeply interesting conversation with Ebierbing who related to me all the news my enquiring thirst could draw from him.  In congratulation & commemoration of the event of this timeful & blessed arrival the "Main brace was spliced" with something that smells Alcoholic (?) sent me by Capt. B.

I must [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] now relate the capture of the Seal by E. on his way up.  On his passage down he discovered a Seal-hole short distance this side the 2nd Igloo we made on our way here.  This hole he marked by setting up a pillar of ice wh. he made distinguishable by squirting civilization (?) paint (tobacco juice) upon it!  On E's return, he said [[underlined]] mark [[/underlined]] he found the hole again on the eve of the day he left the vessel.  Here he made a night's stop for the sole purpose of capturing a Seal.  He had received positive instruction from Capt B to hasten to my relief loosing not a moment in unnecessary stoppages - not to sleep or anything else not imperative.  Binding my shawl & the Tuk-too skirt of Tuk-oo-li-too around his feet & legs, Oo-nar (Seal-spear) in hand he had his position over Seal-hole & as the day began to dawn upon him the welcome "blow", of Seal was repeatedly heard.  Oo-nar well poised & struck when Blessing No 3 was laid along side of No 2 - the rest has been told.

Over said Seal-hole, Ebierbing stood the night long "without a wink of sleep".  It was a night well spent.  The Seal-hole over wh. he stood was buried in 2 feet of Snow.  Of course "Smile" had smelt it out - had indicated the spot where it was. 
Having thrust the spindle shank of the Oo-nar a score of times down through the snow E. finally hit the little hole leading through the ice.  As it was a dark night after the Moon had set to know [[underlined]] exactly [[/underlined]] where to strike with his Seal-Spear (in making fast to a Seal it will not do to vary 1/4 of an inch from the aimed-at-spot) E. put some dark Tuk-too (Rein-deer) hair on the snow 2 feet above but directly over the Seal hole!  I have said 'it was a night well spent'.  It

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1861 Fri. Jan 25

gave us all here happy thoughts - rejoicing thankful hearts.  Ebierbing rejoiced still more over his success when I told him that no Seal had been taken during his absence.

Ebierbing left the vessel 8 o'clock Thursday Morn (24th) & arrived here but 2 hours later the next day Friday the 25th.  While at Rescue Harbor (Kneugumink) E. built a new Igloo for his grandmother.  He tells me she came near loosing her life a few nights ago.  A portion of the dome of the Igloo gave away [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] from the effects of the snow storm then prevailing.  It happened during the night.  In the morning the old lady was found beneath a snow pile.  In digging her out now & then a low voice was heard wh. inspired the men of the George Henry who proved themselves not wanting when humanity makes a call, to quick work.
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17th Night in an Igloo!
Saturday, Jan 26th 1861.

This morning the men Innuits, Ebierbing Ugarny & Jack started off South for Sealing - to mes-sa-poke (far away) Before starting, Ugarny came into our Igloo while were at breakfast.  I gave him a slice of boiled beef & 2/3d of a sea biscuit wh. he received gratefully, while Tuk-oo-li-too supplied him with a flowing bowl of hot coffee.  I took the opportunity of doing as I told him I would at the time (eve preceeding) my attempt to go to the vessel - that is if would let me have some Whale meat for my dogs I would give him some bread on its arrival.  I therefore gave him 3 cakes wh. gave him much joy, especially as I requested him to give a good proportion of it to Nik-u-jar (Polly) his family wife No 1.

A few moments after, Jack came in.  I gave him also a piece of Beef with 1/2 Sea Cake.  T. added to this repast of Jack's a cup of hot coffee.  Thus my provision meat, bread coffee etc goes as capital stock for the Sealing business!  The occasion however was a happy one & seemed to be well appreciated.  On departing I gave E. a good slice of Pork - 2 of Beef & some bread also gave Jack a piece of Beef a part of Sea Cake, done 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected.