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27th Night in an Igloo!
Tuesday, Feb 5. 1861.

This Morning opened with a snow storm from the N.  As I expected, Angeko & family are living on the very moderate supply of seal on hand - living [[underlined]] luxuriously [[/underlined]] too!  Well, one thing is certain, no provision will remain on hand, (save my own stock) in two or 3 days!  None in the village!

Ebierbing & Jack ([[space]]) returned this P.M. 3 1/2 oclock unsuccessful.  The great difficulty under which they labor is the loss of assistance of the Sealing dogs which are away with Ugarny, down to the vessel.  Ebierbing says it but little use to try farther till the dogs return.  He thinks the Seal-holes over which they spent the portion of the day yesterday & all last night were old ones.  Getting into close quarters again are the Innuits here!  But this one of their prominent characteristics:  Feasting to-day - without food the next!  It will however be recollected that that there are four other mouths to feed their hands being non producers.

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1861 Feb 5th Tuesday

IX O'Clock Eve - Since the preceeding was written Ugarny has returned bringing with him [[underlined]] three [[/underlined]] other non producers - three other [[underlined]] Innuit stomachs! [[/underlined]]  What are we coming to?  Nineteen Souls now here - no provision on hand sve my own rations for a little over two weks, the balance left of what was sent me by Capt B. - and but [[underlined]] two good Sealers [[/underlined]] - Ebierbing & Ugarny!  It is true Jack ([[space]]) & Angeko can capture seals, if they put forth persevering efforts but;  this is only an [[underlined]] occasional [[/underlined]] matter with them.  I am alarmed & justly so!  I am already cut short of my seal rations for indeed not another full meal remains in our Igloo!  Ugarny took with him 1/2 the seal he captured the day the 3 were caught & 1/2 of Ebierbing's when he went down to the vessel.  These halves of Seals were intended for the very parties he brings with him - his aged Mother - Oo-ker-ju-ar-chi (1) (who is also E's grandmother).   Oo-Kood-lear (2) girl cousin of E. & Ee-tu-roo (3), boy cousin of the same.  The relationship of the 2 latter are niece & Nephew of Ugarny.  I will here make record of Ugarny's return.

At VII this Eve, conversing with E & T in our Igloo, I heard the well known cry of "Smile", the noble leader of the dog team belonging to our village.  This was enought to start myself & E. for a race to meet the anxiously expected Ugarny who I knew, would have something good for me from the hand & heart of my cherished friend, Capt B.  The weather was so thick that we had given up his return to-night.  Therefore he came at a moment